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Artist and documentary filmmaker Dario Azzellini argues the protests in Venezuela represent a vicious attack on the country's social progress under Hugo Chávez, spurred on by anti-Chavista politicians in affluent regions.
Venezuela: Where the Wealthy Stir Violence While the Poor Build a New Society

Before Hugo Chávez became president of Venezuela in 1999, the barrios of Caracas, built provisionally on the hills surrounding the capital, did not even appear on the city map. Officially they did not exist, so neither the city nor the state maintained their infrastructure. The poor inhabitants of these neighborhoods obtained water and electricity by tapping pipes and cables themselves. They lacked access to services such as garbage collection, health care and education altogether.
Popular Assembly with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini
They Can't Represent Us! authors in the park
In their new book, They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy, Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini explore the ongoing movements for participatory democracy across the globe.
For this unique event, participate with the authors in an assembly-style conversation about mass movements in Washington Square Park.
They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy Book Launch
Join the authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini as they launch their new book!
While the excitement around Occupy Wall Street has diminished in the United States, dynamic movements of democratic participation continue to arise across the globe, calling on people to rethink and remake their relationships to each other and themselves.
Lecture at the CEU - Central European University, Budapest, held 26.3.2014
They Can’t Represent Us! – New Global Movements and Democracy
They Can’t Represent Us! – New Global Movements and Democracy: Lecture held March, the 26th 2014 at the CEU - Central European University, Budapest
Democracy Is A Process, Azzellini And Sitrin Say

”We’re in a new historic epoch. The world is in movement, societies are in movement,” said Dario Azzellini and Marina Sitrin in their lecture on new global movements and democracy on March 26.
The activist couple have participated in a number of movements and demonstrations all around the world. Sitrin and Azzellini talked about what they found was common in the “second wave of the anti-representational protests” after 2011.
Interview with Dario Azzellini and Marina Sitrin by Anna Belladelli
In September 2011, activists occupied Zuccotti Park in Manhattan, initiating a new wave of struggle against capitalism and unprecedented recession. The impact of the Occupy movement has been noticeable also outside the USA, affecting forms of protests, actions, and language.
Learning from... Caracas
Venezuelan law allows for an entity called the consejo communal (communal council), which empowers citizens to initiate local development projects through neighbourhood-based elected councils. Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler’s film, Comuna under construction (2010), begins with the story of a poor hillside community in Caracas as its inhabitants decide whether they want to organize a consejo communal.
Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy
They Can't Represent Us!
How the new global movements are putting forward a radical conception of democracy.
“The movements documented in this volume succeeded in shutting cities down through tremendous shows of force. And when you shut down a city, you can actually stop capital accumulation … Until we start building a truly democratic society, we will continue to see our good ideas co-opted by capital.”
– from the foreword by David Harvey
Here is one of the first books to assert that mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States share an agenda — to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.
Comuna Under Construction
In more than 30.000 Consejos Comunales the Venezuelan inhabitants decide on their concerns collectively via assemblies. Several Consejos Comunales can form a Comuna and finally a communal town.
The film “Comuna Under Construction” follows these developments throughout the hillside of the shantytowns of Caracas and the vast and wet plains of Barinas in the countryside.
Is it even possible to bring together state and autonomy?
A Film by Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler
The grassroots of Venezuela
The mainstream media view has it that left-leaning populists are keeping democracy in a stranglehold. Seen from the grassroots in Venezuela, that view is very different. We interview Dario Azzellini, an assistant professor, activist who spends a lot of time in Venezuela, and a filmmaker.
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They Can’t Represent Us! – New Global Movements and Democracy
Kefya! Ya Basta! Enough!
Words shouted by millions against an untenable situation. Simultaneously proposing "Democracia Real Ya! We are the 99!"
Dario Azzellini and Marina Sitrin address the common forms and practices of the "new" movements and their collective journey for radical social change beyond capitalism.
Sponsored by the New College of Florida Sociology Dept.
They Can’t Represent Us! – New Global Movements and Democracy
Dario Azzellini, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) & Marina Sitrin, CUNY Graduate Center, New York City (USA)
Workers’ control and workers’ participation – discourses and contradictions in Venezuela
"Pink Tide States: Programs and Realities in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela" (Panel)
The Communal System as Venezuela’s Transition to Socialism
"The purpose of this chapter is to explore practices in the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela linked to the idea of a transition to socialism through the construction of communal production and consumption cycles controlled by workers and communities. The envisioned transition combines local self-administrat on and workers’ control of the means of production. The present work concentrates mainly on the experiences of local self-administration.
Comuna Under Construction
LatinAmericanFilmFestival presents:
Comuna under construction
a film by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler, which follows the developments in the barrios of Caracas and poor rural areas of Venezuela as people combine to build people power from below.
Imagine a world without bosses
Imagine a world without bosses. This week we discuss examples of workers who run their own workplaces through workers control. Interviews with Alexis Adarfio, from the Workers’ University in Ciudad Guyana, Venezuela; Immanuel Ness, City University of New York, Brooklyn College; and Dario Azzelini, Johannes Kepler University in Austria.
- See more at:
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Direct Democracy Under Construction: A Conversation with Dario Azzellini

In this episode of Forms of Life, host Nato Thompson speaks with documentary filmmaker, writer and political scientist Dario Azzellini about community organizing and social movements.
The Communal State: Communal Councils, Communes, and Workplace Democracy.

The particular character of what Hugo Chávez called the Bolivarian process lies in the understanding that social transformation can be constructed from two directions, “from above” and “from below.” Bolivarianism—or Chavismo—includes among its participants both traditional organizations and new autonomous groups; it encompasses both state-centric and anti-systemic currents.
Comuna under construction, 2010, 96 min., Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler
Wednesday June 19th, 2013, 17:30 -20:00, FACT Liverpool
Comuna under construction, 2010, 96 min., Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler, showed in the frame of
PILAS (Postgraduates in Latin American Studies) Conference 2013
An Interview with Dario Azzellini
Workers Control and/or Worker Cooperatives?

GEO: Dario, your co-edited book, Ours to Master and To Own, Workers Control from the Commune to the Present, presents a rich variety of worker control initiatives. These have taken place not only in Europe, but in Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, the USA, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, and other countries. Can you clarify for us what these examples have in common, and what you see as their importance?
Overcoming marginalization through self-administration: A case study of the Venezuelan Consejos Comunales
RC21 CONFERENCE 2013 - Resourceful cities - 29-31 August 2013
Venezuela Beyond Chávez II: The Grassroots Perspective - LEFT FORUM 2013
Left Forum, June 7-9, 2013, Pace University, New York City
Occupying Language - LEFT FORUM 2013
The book Occupying Language is an open conversation. Through it, we invite you to join us to explore insurgent movements that have been organizing in Latin America over the past twenty years, and to connect key concepts and language from those struggles with what is new and beautiful in the social relations being created by people’s movements in the United States today. There are of course many similarities with preceding forms of organization and mobilization, especially with the movement for global justice of the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Alternativa 2013: Till tomorrow! Ideologies of city planning and the tactics of dwelling
Professional preview: May 23, 2013
Latin American Social Movements 14 Years Later: Experiences and Perspectives since 1998
April 26th-28th, 2013, Historical Materialism Conference, New York City 2013
New York University, Silver Center, 31 Washington Place, New York, NY
Sunday, April 28th, 2013, 4pm-6pm, Session 6, panel C
Latin American Social Movements 14 Years Later: Experiences and Perspectives since 1998
Panelists: Marina Sitrin, Dario Azzellini, and Ximena García Bustamante
Chair: Greg Wilpert