
When Workers Take Over

Commoning Labour and Democracy at Work

Commoning Labour and Democracy at Work

"Commoning Labour and Democracy at Work When Workers Take Over"
By Dario Azzellini and Marcelo Vieta
290 Pages, July 14, 2025 by Routledge (an affordable paperback will follow)

Emek Gücünü Müşterekler Olarak Organize Etmek

Betriebsbesetzungen und Arbeiten in Selbstverwaltung

Vom Protest zum sozialen Prozess

Vom Protest zum sozialen Prozess

Betriebsbesetzungen mit dem Ziel der Produktion in Selbstverwaltung sind seit der Jahrtausend­wende aus Lateinamerika, vor allem aus Argentinien, bekannt. Im Laufe der aktuellen Krise haben Beschäftigte auch in Europa und Nordamerika erfolgreich Besetzungen von Betrieben durchgeführt, die von der Schließung bedroht waren.

Interview with Dario Azzellini, 26 min.

Commons and Social Transformation

Theresa Alt asks Dario Azzellini about the concept of commons, economic activity that is neither capitalist nor governmental. The commons existed before capitalism, and capitalism requires enclosure of the commons. Now many see commoning as a way to decommodify some resources. Labor power too could be decommodified. But capital tries to take over more and more.

Dario Azzellini & Nancy Holmstrom

Commons & Public Goods

Organized by The Center for Global Justice

Research/Learning for a Better World & Empowering a Solidarity Economy

Vídeo - Webinar

Commons as Political Project: Commons and Just Transition in Our Times

Discussion with Hilary Wainright, Judith Dellheim, Dario Azzellini and Birgit Daiber

Vídeo - Webinar

The Commons vs "normality". Global Capitalism, Commodity Chains and Migration after Covid-19

World Social Forum

Webinar hosted by transform! europe

Talk at the Asia-Europe People’s Forum and transform! conference "Our Common Social Future," Barcelona, June 8-10, 2018 - 10 juni 2018

Commons and Conflict

Today, everyone is speaking about commons and ‘commoning’, everyone wants to build commons. The World Bank has a group which is supposedly ‘protecting and improving the global commons’ and it reaches out to the private sector to ‘advance common goods’. You can find texts on commons on the website of the European Union, banks organize seminars on the commons. Transnational companies tell us they are building the commons, big magazines declare that Uber is commoning cars, and that the “sharing economy” is a form of commoning.

Dario Azzellini at "Our common social future: Commoning and sharing for society, the environment and the economy. A program for a democratic, participatory and transformative social protection". Asia-Europe People's Forum, Barcelona, Catalonia, June 8-10, 2018

The case for commons and social commons

What are commons? Who can develop commons? Is commoning based on harmony?

El movimiento comunero en Venezuela

Construyendo utopías concretas

En el transcurso de la historia las utopías han jugado un papel importante en la construcción de alternativas sociales. En este artículo se analiza al mecanismo de autogobierno local venezolano de las comunas como prefiguración utópica o como “utopía concreta”. Se discuten diferentes conceptos marxistas y emancipadores de utopía conectándolos con el pensamiento latinoamericano, para demostrar cómo la prefiguración utópica es de considerar necesaria en los procesos de lucha revolucionaria.