How has the COVID-19 pandemic exposed inherent flaws in the capitalist system?
One Question: COVID-19 and Capitalism

One Question is a regular series in which we ask leading thinkers to give a brief answer to a single question. This time, in the midst of economic and healthcare crises triggered by coronavirus, we ask:
How has the COVID-19 pandemic exposed inherent flaws in the capitalist system?
By Cihan Aksan And Jon Bailes
Dario Azzellini: The COVID-19 pandemic has not only exposed inherent flaws in the capitalist system, it is clearly showing that the question is capitalism or life.
Digitalization and marketization in live music
Limits of the platform economy

Online platforms have disrupted parts of the capitalist economy, with allegedly severe consequences in the world of work. This study examines live music in Germany and the UK, where online platforms do not dominate, despite considerable digitalization of market intermediaries. The analysis shows that, as the degree of digitalization increases, matching services tend to work less as a workers representative which is traditionally the case for live music agents and more as a force of marketization that disciplines workers by orchestrating price-based competition.
Activistas y estudiosos responden a una pregunta que se hace la izquierda en todo el mundo
¿Cómo se manifiesta la lucha de clases en el siglo XXI?

Dario azzellini, Profesor del Departamento de Sociología del Desarrollo, Universidad de Cornell (Ithaca). Su publicación más recientes es Luchas obreras en el siglo XXI (Brill / Haymarket, 2018)
Entrevista a Dario Azzellini
Desafiar el capitalisme per mitjà del control obrer, Per què és important el control obrer?

Una característica comuna de cada situació de crisi, des dels aixecaments de principis del segle XX fins a les reestructuracions neoliberals de la fi d'aquest mateix segle, és l'aparició del control obrer: els obrers s'organitzen per fer-se càrrec dels seus llocs de treball per tal de defensar els seus llocs de treball i les seves comunitats.
Entrevista con Dario Azzellini
Desafiar al capitalismo por medio del control obrero

Una característica común de cada situación de crisis, desde los levantamientos de principios del siglo XX hasta las reestructuraciones neoliberales de finales de ese mismo siglo, es la aparición del control obrero: los obreros se organizan para hacerse cargo de sus lugares de trabajo con el fin de defender sus puestos de trabajo y sus comunidades.
interview with Dario Azzellini
Challenging capitalism through workers’ control

A common feature in every crisis situation, from the upheavals of the early 20th century to the neo-liberal re-structurings of the late 20th century, is the emergence of workers’ control – workers organising to take over their workplaces in order to defend their jobs and their communities.
Podcast, 16:48 min
Why the music industry won’t be “Uberized” with Charles Umney and Dario Azzellini
Podcast: Why the music industry won’t be “Uberized” with Charles Umney and Dario Azzellini. Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change, University of Leeds, June 2022, 16:48 min
Dr Charles Umney and Dr Dario Azzellini discuss the limits to the platform economy, and why many occupations are unlikely to be ‘Uberized’, using the live music industry as an example.
Vortrag und Diskussion mit Dario Azzellini
Arbeiter*innen als Boss. Des Glückes eigener Schmied!
Was tun, wenn der Betrieb schließt? Es folgt Arbeitslosigkeit, v.a. für ältere Mitarbeiter*innen kann sie bis zur Rente dauern. Manchmal können die Beschäftigten eine Abfindung erstreiten, doch wie lange reicht diese?
Class Struggle from Above and from Below during the COVID-19 pandemic

Crises under capitalism, as historical analysis proves, tend to entail a transfer of wealth from the poor to the wealthy. Inequalities between poor and wealthy, between people of color and white people, between North and South and between genders are increasing. Most scholars will agree that this is also happening on a global level as a consequence of the handling of the covid-19 pandemic. However, there is a lot of disagreement regarding the evaluation of workers’ resistance.
Vídeo - Webinar
The Commons vs "normality". Global Capitalism, Commodity Chains and Migration after Covid-19
World Social Forum
Webinar hosted by transform! europe