Control y autogestión obrera desde La Comuna hasta el presente

Poder obrero

Poder obrero

Compilación y estudio de experiencias de control obrero a lo largo de todo el planeta. Debate teórico y experiencia práctica en defensa de una práctica obrera revolucionaria.

Desde los albores de la era industrial, la mejor y casi única arma de lxs trabajadorxs en la defensa de sus intereses ha sido la acción colectiva. Gracias a ella, a lo largo del último siglo y medio y en prácticamente toda la geografía del planeta se han repetido experiencias de ocupación de fábricas, constitución de consejos obreros y democratización de los centros de trabajo.

Venezuela Communes

Dario Azzellini tells Theresa Alt about communes in Venezuela.

Paris Komünü’nden Günümüze İşçi Denetimi

Yönetim Bizde Mülkiyet Bizde

Yönetim Bizde Mülkiyet Bizde

Sanayi çağı ile birlikte ücretliler sendikalarda örgütlendiler, grevlerle mücadele ettiler ve hatta üretimi patronlar olmadan kontrol etmeyi amaçlayan çeşitli özyönetim kurumları yaratarak kapitalist sistemin temel dayanaklarına meydan okuyacak kadar ileri gittiler. Modern tarihin her döneminden ve dünyanın birçok ülkesinden alınan spesifik deneyimlerle çığır açan bu derleme, tarihsel geleneğin izini kapsamlı bir şekilde sürüyor.

Dario Azzellini

Workers’ Control and Self-Management

Workers’ Control and Self-Management

43. Workers’ Control and Self-Management 

Dario Azzellini

Class Struggle from Above and from Below during the COVID-19 pandemic

Crises under capitalism, as historical analysis proves, tend to entail a transfer of wealth from the poor to the wealthy. Inequalities between poor and wealthy, between people of color and white people, between North and South and between genders are increasing. Most scholars will agree that this is also happening on a global level as a consequence of the handling of the covid-19 pandemic. However, there is a lot of disagreement regarding the evaluation of workers’ resistance.