Comuna Under Construction

- Comuna Under Construction
- Author: Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler
- Length: 94Minuten
- Published in 2010
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“We have to decide for ourselves what we want. We are the ones who know about our needs and what is happening in our community”, Omayra Peréz explains confidently. She wants to convince her community, located on the hillside of the poor districts of Caracas, to found a Consejo Comunal (community council). In more than 30.000 Consejos Comunales the Venezuelan inhabitants decide on their concerns collectively via assemblies. Omayra is supported by the activists of the nearby shantytown “Emiliano Hernández”, which has had a Consejo Comunal for three years already. The inhabitants there managed to get a doctor from the governmental program “Barrio Adentro”, who treats everyone free of charge. They also got money to renovate their houses and replaced over a dozen of sheet iron huts by new houses. All of these activities and a lot more have been organized via the Consejo Comunal. By local self-organization from below several working groups have been established on self-decided topics and decisions are made in assemblies.
Several Consejos Comunales can form a Comuna and finally a communal town. The film “Comuna Under Construction” follows these developments throughout the hillside of the shantytowns of Caracas and the vast and wet plains of Barinas in the countryside. The councils are built from below and alongside the existing institutions and are supposed to overcome the existing state through self-government. In an assembly for the construction of the communal town “Antonio José de Sucre” Ramon Virigay from the independent peasant’s organization Frente Nacional Campesino Ezequiel Zamora (FNCEZ) reminds the delegates of the participating Consejos Comunales: “Even if we definitely need the government agencies at the moment, we have to be independent tomorrow due to our development. We cannot depend solely on the state forever.” For this reason the councils are to establish own structures of production and distribution in order to achieve autonomy.
The assemblies are a central element of the film “Comuna Under Construction”. The film starts off in the well organized Consejo Comunal Emiliano Hernández located in one of the shantytowns of Caracas. It then shows the intentions of forming Comunas and a communal town in rural Barinas and ends in Petare, a gigantic shantytown of the agglomeration of Caracas were there are 29 Consejos Comunales intending to build the Comuna of Maca.
Is it even possible to bring together state and autonomy? Every one of the Consejos Comunales spokes-persons has positive as well as negative experiences with the institutions in store to talk about. In an assembly in Petare the grass-roots activist Yusmeli Patiño blames a high government representative: “We are losing our credibility because of the incompetence of the state institutions”. But there are also members of the institutions who make a big effort to accompany the basis in making its own decisions. The relation between the basis and the institutions is marked by cooperation as well as conflict. But the Consejos Comunales also have internal difficulties; participation has to be learned.
Progresses as well as setbacks mark the difficult process of people actually taking the power of deciding on their own lives and environment by themselves.
Scroll down for film clips
Original Spanish version with German and English subtitles available.
- Concept, film editing, production: Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler
- Camera: Volkmar Geiblinger, Oliver Ressler
- Sound, sound editing, supervisory editor: Rudi Gottsberger
- Production assistant: Adriana Rivas
- Image editing: Markus Koessl, David Grohe
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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Austria License
Stills from Comuna Under Construction
Related Links:
Oliver Ressler and Dario Azzellini: Comuna Under Construction, Art Monthly, Dec-Jan 10-11
Review of "Comuna Under Construction", 4.10.2010
Comuna im Aufbau, reviewed von negativ-film,, 6.7.2011
Filmkritik: Comuna im Aufbau, Sozialismus 4/2010
Alle Macht den Räten, ila, 333/2010
Auf Chávez kommt es nicht an, der Freitag, 19.2.2010
Richtung Kommune, Junge Welt 09.02.2010
Die andere Realität Venezuelas, Lateinamerika Nachrichten, Nr. 429, März 2010
Venezuelas Aufbau kommunaler Räte, Neues Deutschland, 09.02.2010
Von der Vertikalen in die Horizontale,, 03.02.2010
Das wache Gesicht des alten Bauern, trend onlinezeitung
Gesichter einer Revolution, Freitag online blog
La creazione della Comuna vista dall’interno, Voce d'Italia, Venezuela, 21.1.2010
Comunas versus burocratismo, Diario Ciudad CCS, 7.4.2010
Comuna: Under Construction (2010) - A Review, Grassroots Economic Organizing - June 2013