Labor relations

Why haven’t platforms taken over live music?

The limits of the “platform economy”

It is often assumed that the “platform economy” is in the ascendancy, and is taking over more and more economic sectors. Because of this, much research on the matter has focused on characterising and evaluating this change: what are the relative advantages and disadvantages of this kind of work compared to more “traditional” jobs? Should we be optimistic or pessimistic about it? Hence, most current research has looked at the experience of workers in industries which are already highly “platformised” (such as ride sharing, food delivery, or clickwork).

Crowdwork: Kontext und Kompetenzentwicklung in den Ländern Italien, den Niederlanden, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich

Azzellini, Dario. 2024. Crowdwork: Kontext und Kompetenzentwicklung in den Ländern Italien, den Niederlanden, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich. Working Papers No. 14. Working Papers des Forschungsclusters OPAL der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität.


3rd Labour Transfer School 2024 - Buggerru, Sardinia, Italy

Looking forward to meer everyone invited and singed up for the Labour Transfer School 2024!

Dario Azzellini en el I. Congreso Internacional sobre Democracia Comunal

"El trabajo común: bases teóricas y el ejemplo de la empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores"

Dario Azzellini: "El trabajo común: bases teóricas y el ejemplo de la empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores"

Intervención en el I. Congreso Internacional sobre Democracia Comunal: "Comunidad, poder popular y autogobierno: prácticas para transformar la democracia", organizado por Paz con Dignidad – Batea Duintasunarekin / Parte Hartuz de la Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU. 13.10 - 16.10.2021.

Podcast, 16:48 min

Why the music industry won’t be “Uberized” with Charles Umney and Dario Azzellini

Podcast: Why the music industry won’t be “Uberized” with Charles Umney and Dario Azzellini. Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change, University of Leeds, June 2022, 16:48 min

Dr Charles Umney and Dr Dario Azzellini discuss the limits to the platform economy, and why many occupations are unlikely to be ‘Uberized’, using the live music industry as an example.

Self-Organised Workers’ Struggles in the Twenty-First Century

The Class Strikes Back

The Class Strikes Back

The Class Strikes Back examines case studies of twenty-first-century workers’ struggles from both the Global North and South, highlighting the stories of workers fighting to organize and join democratic and independent unions.

über internationale selbstorganisierte Arbeitskämpfe

Interview Radio Corax: "The Class Strikes Back"

Wenn über Arbeitskämpfe gesprochen wird, dann geht es für gewöhnlich um Tarifverhandlungen und Warnstreiks - organisiert durch Großgewerkschaften wie die des DGB oder der CGT in Frankreich. Arbeitskampf kann aber auch anders aussehen - selbstorganisiert, fernab der Großgewerkschaften. Die Mittel selbstorganisierter Arbeitskämpfe sind radikaler. Betriebsbesetzungen, Blockadeaktionen und breite politische öffentliche Kampagnen die über die Sphäre der Arbeit hinaus gehen zählen zu den Mitteln selbstorganisierter Arbeitskämpfe.

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Building 21st Century Socialism from Below

Communes and Workers' Control in Venezuela

Communes and Workers' Control in Venezuela
A sweeping, insightful history from below of the Bolivarian Revolution and its efforts to build socialism in the 21st century.
Too often the story of Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution is told with an excessive focus on former president Hugo Chávez. In this history from below, Dario Azzellini turns our attention toward the ways workers, peasants, and the poor in urban communities have led the struggle for 21st century socialism.

İşçi Denetimi ve İşyeri Demokrasisi

Emeğin Alternatif Tarihi

Emeğin Alternatif Tarihi

Konsey komünizmi, anarko-sendikalizm, İtalyan operaismo’su ve diğer “heretik” sol akımlar yoluyla Paris Komünü hakkındaki yazılarını izleyen “Emeğin Alternatif Tarihi”, şimdiye kadar görmezden gelinen tarihsel ve çağdaş otonom işçi hareketlerinin uygulama ve amaçlarını açığa çıkarmaktadır. Bu kitap, işçilerin işyerlerinde süreklilik ve öngörülebilirliği sağlayarak katılımcı demokrasinin anlatımı üzerinden kendi topluluklarını stabilize edebileceğini göstermektedir.

Economic Update with Richard Wolff, democracy at work

Economic Update: Trump Explained

Economic Update is a weekly program hosted by Richard D. Wolff and is played on over 60 stations nationwide. Wolff takes complex economic issues and empowers listeners with information to analyze their own financial situation as well as the economy at large. By focusing on the economic dimensions of everyday life - wages, jobs, taxes, debts, and profits - the program explores alternative ways to organize markets and government policies.

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