5/24 Just Transition, Global political economy of work, reports and books

http://www.azzellini.net  -  facebook: Dario Azzellini May 2024, Dario Azzellini's newsletter in English   - approx. 3-4 times a year


0. Before

1. New Books and research reports (English, Portuguese): 

Atzeni, Maurizio; Azzellini, Dario; Mezzadri, Alessandra; Moore, Phoebe; Apitzsch, Ursula (Eds.). 2023. Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work. Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Azzellini, Dario. 2023. Sustainable Work and Just Transition: Policies and labour movement actors in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Spain, Poland, Colombia, Mexico and the Philippines. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Geneva. 121 pp.

Azzellini, Dario. 2023. O movimento autogestionário mundial: uma perspectiva marxista. Brasil: Lutas Anticapital.

2. Academic articles: Book chapters and journal articles (German)

3. Videos/Audios (English)

4. Talks/Conferences (Brussels, Berlin, Köln, Bielefeld, Berlin)



0. Before

It's out!!!

Atzeni, Maurizio; Azzellini, Dario; Mezzadri, Alessandra; Moore, Phoebe; Apitzsch, Ursula (Eds.). 2023. Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work. Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. 702 pp.

‘It is rare to find such a stimulating and thorough going collection of intellectually rigorous, empirically grounded and accessible contributions to our understanding of the range and depth of challenges facing us in the political economy of work in the 21st century. This is quite simply an essential set of readings for students, researchers and practitioners alike – an invaluable and exceptional text.’

– Jean Jenkins, Cardiff University, UK


Suggestion: Look me up in researchgate.net

See 1.


I am "on tour" in Brussels and Germany in May!

For details see 4


My research report for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Geneva on sustainable work and just transition is ready and can be downloaded for free:

Azzellini, Dario. 2023. Sustainable Work and Just Transition: Policies and labour movement actors in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Spain, Poland, Colombia, Mexico and the Philippines. https://bitly.ws/WqWG

See 1.




1. New Books and research reports (English, Portuguese)

Atzeni, Maurizio, Dario Azzellini, Alessandra Mezzadri, Phoebe Moore, Ursula Apitzsch. 2023. Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work. UK, E-Elgar EE.

"This ground-breaking Handbook broadens empirical and theoretical understandings of work, work relations, and workers. It advances a global, intersectional labour studies agenda, laying the foundations for the politically emancipatory project of decolonising the political economy of work. Moving beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, this Handbook provides a comprehensive account of the relations between different forms of work, exploitation, class configuration and worker resistance. With insights from global experts across the social sciences, it examines changes in technology, geographies of production, and the dynamics of the global capitalist political economy to map modern configurations of work. Using ongoing empirical qualitative research, contributors explore key issues such as capital accumulation, migration, digital work, trade unionism and reproductive labour. There is a particular focus on perspectives from the Global South, with in-depth analyses of class and work in countries and regional economic blocs used to explore the dynamics between the local and the global. "




Azzellini, Dario. 2023. Sustainable Work and Just Transition: Policies and labour movement actors in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Spain, Poland, Colombia, Mexico and the Philippines. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: Geneva

Scientists agree that what is done by governments is by far not enough to halt global warming, climate change and mass extinction, much less to reverse it. Not even the measures planned are sufficient if ever enacted. The present report offers eight country case studies looking at the policies and discourses regarding work in the socioecological transition and labour organizations, social movements and environmental movements eventually forging alliances for sustainable work and a just transition.



Free download at: https://bitly.ws/WqWG


Azzellini, Dario. 2023. O movimento autogestionário mundial: uma perspectiva marxista. Brasil: Lutas Anticapital.

A presente obra de Dario Azzellini demonstra, com um extenso levantamento de experiências em diversos países e continentes, que existem elementos de continuidade entre as atuais fábricas recuperadas e o “legado” dos movimentos pretéritos de lutas autônomas e autogestionárias do movimento operário. Ao mesmo tempo, nas condições atuais do capitalismo e da luta de classes, Dario Azzellini atualiza a estratégia associativista e autogestionária, trazendo a tona importantes contribuições políticas para o projeto de emancipação da classe trabalhadora, pensando a força de trabalho como bem comum, produtor de valores de uso, e a perspectiva comunal, que articula produção e reprodução material com a organização social. Fruto de uma pesquisa extensa, de abrangência mundial, a presente obra deve se tornar referência obrigatória para todos que lutam pela superação do capital, da exploração econômica e da opressão política. Mauricio Sardá de Faria - UFRPE




2. Academic articles: Book chapters and journal articles (English)

Azzellini, Dario. 2023. "Commune socialism: self-management, popular power and autonomy in Venezuela". In From Extractivism to Sustainability: Scenarios and Lessons from Latin America, edited by Henry Veltmeyer, Arturo Ezquerro-Cañete. (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003301981

In this chapter, the author analyses the dynamics of a broad movement to construct an alternative ‘social and solidarity’ form of society based on co-operativism, autonomism and worker self-management, and local community-based development within the context of popular power (poder popular) and the institution of Communal Councils, which was constructed ‘from below’ within civil society, although the leading role of these councils in the social transformation that has taken place in Venezuela over the past decade, and their revolutionary form (autonomous bodies of popular power), owes much to state support. This chapter elaborates this point, but he also argues out that the State has also an inherent tendency to inhibit the development of autonomous structures and tends to control and subordinate social processes. This contradiction, the author argues, in the case of Venezuela became increasingly accentuated the more communities developed the structures of self-government.




Azzellini, Dario, Sebastian Brandl und Ingo Matuschek. 2023. "Nationale Perspektiven auf Nachhaltige Arbeit und Inwertsetzungen von Arbeit in Europa". In Nachhaltig Werte schaffen? Arbeit und Technik in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation, herausgegeben vom Thomas Barth, Melanie Jaeger-Erben, Georg Jochum und Stephan Lorenz. Series Arbeitsgesellschaft im Wandel. 100-116. Weinheim: Beltz / Juventa.

Die gegenwärtigen Organisationsformen von Arbeit sind vielfach nicht nachhaltig. Arbeit als zugleich wertschaffende und wertzerstörende Tätigkeit droht somit die Grundlagen zukünftigen Arbeitens und Lebens zu untergraben. Mit dem Band wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich auf nachhaltige Weise Werte schaffen lassen, wobei das Zusammenspiel von Arbeit, Nachhaltigkeit, Werten und den genutzten Technologien im Vordergrund steht: Unter welchen Bedingungen und mithilfe welcher Technologien können die Naturverhältnisse nachhaltig gestaltet werden und welche Hindernisse bestehen dabei?





3. Videos/Audios (English)

Azzellini, Dario. Sustainable Work. Video talk is based on the following article: Optimizing or Abolishing Capitalism? Sustainable Work and Just Transition Rather than Labor Society and Climate Catastrophe. Video, 16.10.23. Berliner Gazette, Allied Grounds Conference 2023.

Workers of all stripes and their communities potentially have an existential interest in sustainable, non-polluting production. And they are also the ones who will bear the brunt of a social-ecological transformation. Therefore, if workers do not take a central role in defining and practicing the transformation, it will not happen, as the social scientist Dario Azzellini argues in his “Allied Grounds” video talk.




Dario Azzellini, Lorenzo Feltrin and Brett Neilson. Politics of Translation: Preparing the Ground for New Alliances. Audio, 11.10.2023. Berliner Gazette, Allied Grounds Conference 2023.

In contemporary capitalism, workers are increasingly fragmented and divided, along the lines, for example, of productive and reproductive labor, wage and unpaid labor. Yet they could realize their common interests not least by confronting the capitalist threat to their social and ecological environment and to their collective capacity to create a life worth living. This requires translation not only between different languages, but also between different cultural, social, economic, political and, not least, class contexts. The final panel of the “Allied Grounds” conference, “Politics of Translation,” addressed these issues. Moderated by Anna Saave, Dario Azzellini, Lorenzo Feltrin, and Brett Neilson gave talks at the House of Democracy and Human Rights, which can be listened to by clicking on the play button below.

More information about the “Allied Grounds” project can be found here: berlinergazette.de/projects/allied-grounds/




4. Talks/Conferences (Brussels, Berlin, Köln, Bielefeld, Berlin)

8.5.2024, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 12:45-13:45, Catholic University of Louvain.
Conférence D. Azzellini Sustainable work and Just transition: a global challenge

L’École des sciences du travail (ESPO) et son président, le Professeur Filip Dorssemont, ont le plaisir de vous inviter à une conférence donnée par le Professeur Dario Azzellini (Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas) sur le thème « Sustainable Work and Just Transition : a Global challenge ».
Le Professeur Stephen Bouquin (Université d’Evry Paris Saclay) introduira l’orateur et animera le débat.
Cette conférence se tiendra le mercredi 8 mai de 12h45 à 13h45 à l’auditoire Doyen 21 et accessible via Teams:



11.5.2024, 15:30–17:00, Marx is Muss, Kongress, Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin
Mit Genossenschaften zum Ökosozialismus?

Die Fabrik übernehmen…Geht das? Eine Genossenschaft gründen…Lohnt das? Im Gespräch mit Magdalena Taube und Dario Azzellini werden historische Beispiele für selbstverwaltete Betriebe diskutiert und erfragt, ob und wie diese innerhalb des Kapitalismus funktionieren.



13.05.2024, 19:00 Uhr, Naturfreundehaus Köln Kalk, Kapellenstraße 9 a, 51103 Köln. Griechenland Solidaritätskomitee Köln und Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung NRW

Betriebsbesetzungen und Arbeiter*innenkontrolle - vergangene und aktuelle Beispiele in Lateinamerika und Europa

Dario Azzellini, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (Mexico) forscht seit über 25 Jahren zu gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen. Seine Schwerpunkte sind Arbeits- und Industrie-soziologie, lokale und Arbeiterselbstverwaltung, soziale Bewegungen und Protest, mit einem Fokus auf Lateinamerika und Europa.



14.5.2024, 18:00 – 20:00 Uhr (ct.), Programm Kolloquium InterAmerican Studies (IAS) SoSe 2024, Universität Bielefeld, Seminarraum B2-103, Universitätsstr. 25, Bielefeld

Dario Azzellini: Council democracy in Latin America? Local self-government and workers’ control (English language presentation)

The struggle of the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico, revitalized strongly the idea communal and councilist local self-government practices based on communal democracy, with a leftist and socialist perspective. Since then, similar practices of social, political and economic organization surfaced in different regions of Latin America, including Guerrero and Oaxaca (Mexico), Venezuela and Bolivia. The self-organized communities include often also the collective administration of the means of production. Moreover, workplaces taken over by workers over the past two decades and producing under workers’ control (mainly in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Venezuela) organize in ways similar to the council democracy of the early twentieth Century. In this chapter I sum up the basic principles of council democracy in the early twentieth Century. The talk sums up the main principles of council democracy, looks at historical experiences of “commune” in Latin America, and then focus on different contemporary Latin American experiences of commune-like local self-administration and productioxn under workers control, that resemble characteristics of council democracy.



15.05.2024, 19:00 Uhr, Café Kotti, Adalbertstraße 96B, 10999 Berlin

Rätedemokratie und gesellschaftliche Selbstorganisation – IDA diskutiert mit Dario Azzellini

In der Geschichte moderner Revolutionen, Revolten und Streiks ist es immer wieder auch zur spontanen Bildung von (Arbeiter:innen-)Räten gekommen. Gerade dann, wenn etablierte Herrschaftsstrukturen zusammenbrechen oder gelähmt sind, müssen die Menschen zwecks Entscheidungsfindung, Koordination und Umsetzung demokratische Gremien bilden, wenn sie das gesellschaftliche Leben – Wirtschaft, Verkehr und die soziale Infrastruktur – am Laufen halten wollen.
Auch wenn die Räte oftmals wieder genauso schnell verschwanden wie sie entstanden sind, ist damit zu rechnen, dass sich auch in künftigen Krisensituationen solche Formen gesellschaftlicher Selbstorganisation bilden können. Aber was genau sind Räte eigentlich? Sind sie wirtschaftliche oder politische Organe? Sind sie staatliche Gebilde? Gibt es in ihnen noch Herrschaft oder Hierarchien? Wie lassen sich Basisdemokratie und gesamtgesellschaftliche Wirtschaftsplanung miteinander verbinden? Könnte die Arbeitszeitrechnung dabei hilfreich sein?
Diesen Fragen wollen wir am 15.05. gemeinsam mit Dario Azzellini nachgehen, da er schon seit vielen Jahren zu den Themen Räteorganisation und Arbeiter:innenselbstverwaltung forscht. Hierfür laden wir zum Kneipenabend ins Café Kotti. Im Anschluss an Darios Vortrag wollen wir gemeinsam mit allen Interessierten über den Sinn und die Aktualität der Räte diskutieren und der Frage nachgehen, ob sich hierbei Ansätze von Demokratie und Sozialismus finden, jenseits von staatlicher Herrschaft und kapitalistischer Marktwirtschaft. Kommt gerne vorbei!




Dario Azzellini

www.azzellini.net                www.workerscontrol.net