From Economic Science Fictions to Labour as Commons - Conference

From Economic Science Fictions to Labour as Commons
Alternative Organisations & Transformative Practices (AOTP) Research Cluster Conference
(NB these are working panel titles now, subject to change)
9.30 - 10am Registration and Coffee
10 - 10.15am Welcome message
Dr Nico Pizzolato and Dr Daniel Ozarow. AOTP Convenors
10.15 - 11.30am Panel 1: Labour Commons as a Challenge to the Fiction
• Professor Martin Upchurch - Middlesex University, London / The Social and Economic Origins of Utopianism and Workers Control within the British Labour Movement
• Dr Cian McMahon, NUI Galway / Peace, Partnership, and Neoliberalism: The Irish Worker Coop Development Experience
• Professor Marek Korczynski and Dr Andreas Wittel, Nottingham Trent University - The Workplace Commons: Towards Understanding and Mapping Commoning within Work Relations
11.30 - 11.45am Break and Coffee
11.45 - 1.15pm Panel 2: Workers’ Control in Greece and Argentina
• Professor Verity Burgmann, Monash University, Australia / Labour as a Commons in the Twenty-First Century: Factories without Bosses in Argentina and Greece
• Marco Gottero PhD Candidate, DeMontfort University, Leicester ‘Come together’: workers prefiguring a utopian, yet non-fictional, society
• Orestis Varkarolis, PhD Candidate, Nottingham Trent University Dr George Kokkinidis, University of Leicester Establishing a meta-organization as commoning ‘labour as commons’
1.15 - 2pm Lunch
2 - 3pm World Café - Participatory activity for all attendees.
If economics is a form of fiction, how can labour emancipate itself from this fiction, return to its essence, and reclaim a non-fictional economy?
3 - 4.15pm Panel 3 Post-Capitalism
Dr Demet S. Dinler – University of Sussex Imagining Post-Capitalist Exchange Organisations: Ethnographic Insights from the Turkish Cut Flower Cooperative and its Auctions
Dr William Monteith - Queen Mary University of London Ordinary work in the post-wage economy: Reflections from a Ugandan marketplace
Dr Joseph Walton – University of Sussex Science Fiction, Participatory Economics, and the Division of Labour
4.15 - 4.30pm Break and Coffee
4.30 - 5.15pm Keynote Speaker
Dr Dario Azzellini, (ILR School at Cornell University, USA)
5.15 - 5.30pm Closing Remarks
Dr Nico Pizzolato and Dr Daniel Ozarow. AOTP Convenors
Post Conference Reception
Photo: - Trabajadores de la ex Pettinari
Hendon Town Hall Committee Room 1, Middlesex University London | The Burroughs, Hendon, London NW4 4BG | England