Nov: Chávez, occupy, new books, videos and more

Dario Azzellini's newsletter in English

(see website for Spanish or German newsletter)

0. Before

1. "Occupying Language", book about occupy and the practices of the new movements (English)

2. Reviews (English and Spanish)

3. Journalistic articles (Spanish and Italian)

4. Academic articles (Portuguese)

5. Interviews - Videos and Audios (English, German and Spanish)

6. Events (German)



0. Before

Dear friends and comrades, colleagues, brothers and sisters (and all inbetween)!

I started a newsletter in English. I have been sending a German and an English newletter to subscribers for a few years now. The Spanish newsletter has some 4600 subscribers and the German newsletter around 1600.

Since I am publishing more and more in English I have decided to start also an English newsletter. It contains inormation about my newest publications, interviews, conferences etc. and most of th times a "before" where I comment recent events.

I send the newsletter every 1 or 2 months. So no worries to get trapped in an endless mailing flood...

If you are not interested into the newsletter you can easily unsubscribe. If you like it, I would be happy you spread the possiblity to subscribe to i my newsletter on my website among your friends.


I am in facebook now! I gave up my resistance to "social media" and you can find me on facebook. Visit me and we become "friends".


You can see my comments on the Venezuela elections on Deutsche Welle English program, scroll down, see 1


The German translation of "Ours to master and to own" will finally be published in November (according to the publisher Neuer ISP Verlag):

"Die endlich entdeckte politische Form. Fabrikräte und Selbstverwaltung von
der russischen Revolution bis heute", Dario Azzellini / Immanuel Ness (Hg.),
ca. 500 Seiten, ca. 29,80 €, ISBN 978-3-89 900-138-9


All the best,



1. "Occupying Language", book about occupy and the practices of the new movements (English)


"Occupying Language. The Secret Rendezvous with History and the Present"

by Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini

Zuccotti Park Press (Occupied Media Pamphlet Series)
128 pág., ISBN-13: 9781884519093, 9.95 $, Septiembre 2012

While the gobal Occupy movement is widely seen as unprecedented, its language and organizing practices are shaped and inspired by diverse historical precedents in the United States and around the world. Sitrin and Azzellini introduce the reader to the theory and practices of the movement and explore linkages and connections toward the dream of a common language of struggle, justice, democracy and liberation.

It was September 19, a group of twenty of us were standing in a circle in NYC’s Liberty Plaza, discussing what it means to facilitate an assembly, and what the role of facilitators is and can be. At one point I said, “Our role is to help create the most horizontal space possible.” A young woman asked, “What does that mean—horizontal?” Another young woman responded, “You know, what they did in Argentina,” and then another asked what that was.

Explored are concepts such as Territory, Assembly, Dignity and Popular Power, and relationships such as Horizontalism, Autogestión (self-organization), and protagonism. These forms of organization and ways of relating are described based on over a decade of practice and experience in Latin America, from the origins of horizontalidad with the popular rebellion in Argentina, to the concept of Territory, grounded in Bolivia and Brazil, or the construction of Popular Power in the Consejo Comunales in Venezuela and the understanding of our many diversities, creating a world in which many worlds fit, of the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico.


“Occupying Language uses the vocabulary of new and emergent movements around the world to highlight the striking similarities of the practices and visions. Movements from the Zapatistas in Mexico and mobilizations for popular control in Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil, to the Arab Spring, the European and Israeli Summer, and Occupy, have made inclusiveness a priority and have insisted that the voice of every participant be heard and treated with respect. They have pursued a vision of democracy as based on direct participation and on solidarity among the vast majority, cognizant of social and national divisions but creating a unity among differences. Those who identify with these movements should read this book for its beautiful and insightful evocation of an emergent radical perspective and for the hope that this book conveys that a new movement of movements can play a pivotal role in bringing about urgently needed change. This book is also crucial reading for those who would like to understand why so many in the new movements are more interested in occupying public spaces and insitutions, and remaking them through democratic participation, than in making demands on governments dominated by remote and resistant elites.”

Barbara Epstein, University of California, Santa Cruz

“There are words that are rocks. Rocks, like geological layers, which have accumulated over decades of struggles, and are colored with meanings irreducible to capitalist power. Rocks heavy with hope. Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini show how these rocks are moved – rolling them against masters, police, and the ideologists of neoliberalism. Occupy language!”

Antonio Negri



2. Reviews (English)

To Walk Asking Questions

Nicholas Mirzoeff on Occupying Language

This is the theme of a fascinating new book, Occupying Language, by Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini in the Occupied Media Pamphlet Series. The authors situate the present Occupy movement in the context of the insurgent movements in Latin America over the past quarter of a century. From this perspective, to occupy is to walk asking questions.


Occupying Language: Inside the Global Revolutions, September 14, 2012

An excerpt from Occupying Language, by Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini, part of the Occupied Media Pamphlet Series

An Invitation to a Global Conversation: Occupying Language is an open conversation. Through it, we invite you to join us to explore insurgent movements that have been organizing in Latin America over the past twenty years, and to connect key concepts and language from those struggles with what is new and beautiful in the social relations being created by people’s movements in the United States today. There are of course many similarities with preceding forms of organization and mobilization, especially with the movement for global justice of the late 1990s and early 2000s.


"Cooperativas y socialismo. Una mirada desde Cuba…"

Marcelo “Liberato” Salinas | Red Observatorio Crítico, octubre 5, 2012

sobre “Cooperativas y socialismo. Una mirada desde Cuba", mención especial de "De las cooperativas a las empresas de propiedad social directa en el proceso venezolano” de Darío Azzelini.



3. Journalistic articles (Spanish and Italian)


"Control obrero y Consejos socialistas de trabajadores y trabajadoras (CST) en Venezuela"

This article is part of the dossier: [especial] CONTROL OBRERO (p.27-31) in the new review “Venezuelarekin bat!”


"Laboratorio America Latina", Dario Azzellini, pusblished in alfabeta2 n.23, p. 15, October 2012


"Venezuela. Il controllo operaio", Dario Azzellini, published in alfabeta2 n.23, p. 17, October 2012



4. Academic articles (Portuguese)


"Movimentos e construção alternativa na Venezuela", Dario Azzellini published in: Cemop, Nº 3, MAIO DE 2012, ISSN – 2236-4110, pp.40-62


"Movimientos y construcción alternativa en Venezuela", Dario Azzellini, pp. 375-410
in: Rodrigues, Fabiana C.; Novaes, Henrique T.; Batista, Eraldo L. (orgs.). Movimentos Sociais, Trabalho Associado e Educação para além do capital. Sao Paolo: Outras Expressões. ISBN: 978-85-6442-122-6


5. Interviews - Videos and Audios (English, German and Spanish)


"Comuna under construction" - Video

Conference with Dario Azzellini about communal socialism in Venezuela, March 24, 2011, Consulate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Chicago, USA (English).


Dario Azzellini about Venezuela - Video
Panel: Social Movements, the State and the Question of Autonomy
Sat., March 17th, Left Forum 2012, Pace University, NYC, USA (English)


"Horizontalismo: Lenguajes de Ocupación en el Mundo", Marina Sitrin y Dario Azzellini - Audio - Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios CESU | Cochabamba - August 2012 (español)


1.10.2012,, Radio Corax

"Erhebliche Ressentiments gegenüber der Regierung" (Significant resentments towards the government) - Interview to the political scientist Dario Azzellini about the situation in Venezuela before the elections.

This article is part of the dossier: Präsidentschaftswahlen in Venezuela 2012



7. Events (German)


07.11.2012 | 21:30 Cinémathèque Leipzig e.V. | Leipzig

"Comuna en construccion" von Dario Azzellini und Oliver Ressler -BRD/Österreich/Venezuela 2010, Dok, 94 min - OmU im Rahmen der Filmreihe Utopia - Das Richtige im Falschen.

Das aktuelle Venezuela ist eine der letzten Hochburgen, welche den Wert einer Sache an seinem Wert für die Gemeinschaft misst. Es ist eine der wenigen sozialistischen Bastionen auf der Welt. Aber es ist auch ein Land, das sich noch immer im Prozess befindet zu verstehen, was das eigentlich bedeutet. Was Sozialismus ist.
Was die Möglichkeiten und Hindernisse dieses sozialen und politischen Wandels sind. Die aktuelle Situation dieses Prozesses der „bolivarischen Revolution“ wurde in dem Film COMUNA IM AUFBAU von den Regisseuren Dario Azzellini und Olivier Ressler festgehalten.


22.11.2012 | 19:00 - 21:00 Hotel Bern | Zeughausgasse 9 | Bern | Schweiz

"Venezuela nach den Wahlen:

Welche Aussichten für Demokratie und gesellschaftlichen Wandel?"

Erhebliche Spannungen in Bolivien und Ecuador,  erfolgreiche Putschs in Honduras und Paraguay:  Die gesellschaftlichen Veränderungsprozesse in Lateinamerika sind bedroht. Am 7. Oktober 2012 stellt sich Chavez zum vierten Mal einer Volkswahl. In welcher Situation befindet sich das Land?

Dario Azzellini,  Sozialwissenschaftler und Autor, Johannes Kepler
Universität Linz
Walter Suter, ehem. Schweizer Botschafter in Venezuela und
Wahlbeobachter 2012

Eintritt frei


26.11.2012 | 20:00 Cinémathèque Leipzig e.V. | Leipzig

"Comuna en construccion" von Dario Azzellini und Oliver Ressler -BRD/Österreich/Venezuela 2010, Dok, 94 min - OmU im Rahmen der Filmreihe Utopia - Das Richtige im Falschen.

Das aktuelle Venezuela ist eine der letzten Hochburgen, welche den Wert einer Sache an seinem Wert für die Gemeinschaft misst. Es ist eine der wenigen sozialistischen Bastionen auf der Welt. Aber es ist auch ein Land, das sich noch immer im Prozess befindet zu verstehen, was das eigentlich bedeutet. Was Sozialismus ist.
Was die Möglichkeiten und Hindernisse dieses sozialen und politischen Wandels sind. Die aktuelle Situation dieses Prozesses der „bolivarischen Revolution“ wurde in dem Film COMUNA IM AUFBAU von den Regisseuren Dario Azzellini und Olivier Ressler festgehalten.



Dr. Dario Azzellini

Department of Sociology, Politics and Development Research
Johannes Kepler Universität (JKU) Linz
Tel. +43-732-2468-1545