Sep. 2014: Libro movimientos globales, fábricas recuperadas, Ven., Bras. - Facebook: Dario Azzellini
Septiembre 2014 - Newsletter de Azzellini en castellano: 5.188 subscriptores/as
0. Antes
1. Libros: "They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy" (English)
2. Nueva pelicula documental: "Occupy, Resist, Produce – RiMaflow" by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler, 34 min., 2014
3. Audios/Videos (Español/English/Deutsch)
4. Entrevistas y artículos periodisticos (Español/English/Português/Deutsch/čeština/Italiano/Magyar/Bosanski/Ελληνικά)
5. Reseña (English/Deutsch/Slovenski)
6. Articulos academicos: Ensayos en libros y revistas (Español/English/Deutsch/Italiano)
7. Conferencias (Chapel Hill/USA; Greensboro/USA; NYC/USA; Montclair/USA; Toronto/Canada; Philadelphia/USA; Wien/Austria; Burlington/USA)
0. Antes
Buenos días!
Marina Sitrin y yo estamos dando un Tour por EEUU con nuestro último libro "They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"
Ver 7 para más detalles.
Esta vez encuentran muchas entrevistas que me hcieron en tele y radio sobre las empresas militares privadas, la política del Banco Central Europeo en la crisis, los mundiales en Brasil... (ver punto 3)
Además encontrarán muchos artículos y entrevistas sobre movimientos, el mundial en Brasil, Venezuela...
Oliver Ressler y yo hemos (casi) terminado un documental de 34 min. sobre la fábrica recuperada RiMaflow en Milán, Italia. Se presentará por primera vez a partir del 24 de sep. en la famosa Secession de Viena, Austria (ver puntos 2 y 7).
Los mejores saludos,
Dario Azzellini
1. Libros (English)
They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy
Dario Azzellini and Marina Sitrin, Foreword by David Harvey (Verso Books) Paperback,
192 pages, ISBN: 9781781680971, £9.99
Out: June 3rd, 2014
Here is one of the first books to assert that mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today. The new movements put forward the idea that liberal democracy is not democratic, nor was it ever.
2. Nueva pelicula documental: "Occupy, Resist, Produce – RiMaflow" by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler, 34 min., 2014
The Maflow plant in Trezzano sul Naviglio, located on the industrial periphery of Milan, was part of the Italian transnational car parts producer Maflow, one of the most important manufacturers of air conditioning tubes worldwide. Far from suffering consequences of the crisis and with enough clients to keep producing, Maflow closed in 2009 following fraudulent bankruptcy. The workers of the plant in Milan, Maflow’s main production facility, began a struggle to reopen the plant and keep their jobs. They occupied the plant and held spectacular protests on the plant’s roof. [...]
“Occupy, Resist, Produce – RiMaflow” follows the workers in their day to day activities and discussions as well as in their political and strategic debates.
The film is the first in a series of short films on occupations of workplaces and production under workers' control in Europe.
The project was funded partly through support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) AR 183-G21. Thanks for support to the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
3. Audios/Videos (Español/English/Deutsch)
Dario Azzellini sobre Blackwater/Academi en: Saga de responsables – Juicio en contra de Blackwater
RT | 22 de Agosto de 2014 | 10:54 min.
Detrás de la noticia | Entrevista de Eva Golinger
Deutsche Welle Latinoámerica
Cuadriga - BCE - ¿Banqueros jugando a la política? | 12.06.2014 | 0:42:36
En su lucha contra la baja coyuntura el Banco Central Europeo abarata el dinero como nunca antes. El interés básico de la eurozona cae al mínimo del 0’15% y los bancos deberán pagar intereses de amonestación si estacionan capital en el BCE. Su jefe Mario Draghi quiere con esta política monetaria impulsar el crédito en los estados en crisis. ¿Crece así también su influencia política?
La guerra contra las drogas
Russia Today | 16 de mayo 2014 | 5:31 min.
Entrevista con Dario Azzellini, de Eva Golinger, "Detrás de la noticia",
Programa completo:
Cuadriga - Un Mundial difícil: ¿Qué ganará Brasil? | 08.05.2014 | 0:42:33
Deutsche Welle en Español
En un mes arranca el Mundial de fútbol de Brasil. Pero la violencia de las favelas se desboca. Aumenta el número de ataques a centros turísticos del país. La gente desencantada utiliza el Mundial para llamar la atención sobre las malas condiciones de vida y los fracasos del gobierno.
Con: Úrsula Moreno Junglewitz. Invitados: Dario Azzellini, Sven Goldmann y Gemma Casadevall
Dario Azzellini sobre el Comando Sur de EEUU
Detrás de la noticia, RT, de Eva Golinger | 21 de Marzo de 2014 | 5:26 min
Interview with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini about their new book 'They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy'
22.08.2014 | Upfront,
Post-Chávez Venezuela: New Directions under the Presidency of Nicolás
Left Forum, May 31, 2014, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York | New York, NY 10019
26.06.2014 | 1:24:46
In many ways, the challenges faced by Hugo Chávez’s successor Nicolás Maduro are a continuation of those dating back to 1998. Nevertheless, the economic crisis caused by shortages and currency speculation is more intense than during the Chávez presidency. The Maduro government’s reaction both at the level of discourse and specific actions is also distinct in some ways. The panel will attempt to determine what elements are relatively new. It will discuss the government’s activist role against business and political groups responsible for acute shortages, sharp price increases often far above that set by the government, currency speculation and refusal of the opposition to recognize the government’s legitimacy.
Deutsche Welle in English program
Quadriga - Talk: ECB - Bankers Playing Politics? | June 12, 2014 | 0:42:36
The European Central Bank has now made borrowing money cheaper than ever. Its benchmark lending rate has been dropped to just 0.15%, and borrower banks will in the future pay penalties for parking money there. ECB President Mario Draghi hopes the move will encourage more lending to crisis-stricken EU Member States.
Everyday Revolutions
Left Forum, John Jay College of Justice, New York City
May 31, 2014 | 01:31:54
Chaired by Leina Bocar; with Dario Azzellini, Diego Ibañez, Marina Sitrin
Millions of people around the globe have been organizing alternative value systems and social relationships to those of capitalism – revolutionary alternatives – still within capitalism, but against it – aiming to overcome it. These alternatives are part of a process of creating everyday revolutions – beginning to prefigure our desired future while still in the present. These everyday revolutions are one part of a larger anti-capitalist movement. In this panel we will discuss what some of these everyday revolutions look like, as defined by people in movement around the world. The discussion will range from the examples of recuperated workplaces, from Latin America to Europe; the new global movements and the focus on creating horizontal social relationships and the day to day organizing in Brooklyn for housing and self organization. There is no blueprint or academic framework that once met means revolution has been achieved, but rather we see it as an ongoing and changing process in which everyday revolutions is a key element.
Quadriga - World Cup Risks - Can Brazil win? | May 8, 2014 | 0:42:33
Deutsche Welle in English
In one month's time the Soccer World Cup kicks off in Brazil. But the country has a serious problem with violence in the poor urban neighbourhoods called favelas. And the problem is spreading: Brazil's tourist centres are increasingly affected. Angry people are using the World Cup to draw attention to the appaling conditions they are forced to live in and to the failures of their government.
With: Ali Aslan. Guests: Dario Azzellini, Sven Goldmann and Astrid Prange De Oliveira -
They Can’t Represent Us! – New Global Movements and Democracy
Video of the lecture held March, 26th 2014 at at the CEU - Central European University, Budapest
14.04.2014 | 1:37:15
2011, 2012 and 2013 have been years of uprisings, movements and moments – all against an economic crisis and the politics of representation. Kefya! Ya Basta! and Enough! are shouted by millions against an untenable situation – and simultaneously they are met with Democracia Real Ya! and We are the 99%! - powerful affirmations.
We believe we are in another significant historic epoch. This one is marked by an ever increasing global rejection of representative democracy, and simultaneously a massive coming together of people, not previously organized, using directly democratic forms to begin to reinvent ways of being together.
Fußball-WM im WUK
WUK-RADIO: Fußball-WM im WUK | 16.06.2014 | 30 min
Die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft findet heuer in Brasilien statt – und wird auch im Innenhof des WUK mittels public viewing gezeigt. In dieser Sendung beschäftigen sich WUK Radio mit den politischen und sozialen Konnotationen dieses Großereignisses.
4. Entrevistas y artículos periodisticos (Español/English/Português/Deutsch/čeština/Italiano/Magyar/Bosanski/Ελληνικά)
Translation into Spanish of the article 'Venezuela: Where the Wealthy Stir Violence While the Poor Build a New Society' published on Creativetimereport, April 28, 2014
Venezuela: Los ricos incitan a la violencia mientras los pobres contruyen una nueva sociedad | 22 Mayo 2014
Antes de que Hugo Chávez llegara a la presidencia de Venezuela en 1999, los barrios de Caracas construidos precariamente en los cerros en los suburbios de la capital ni siquiera aparecían en el mapa de la-ciudad.
Workers’ control at Fralib: the brand with the Elephant | May, 1st 2014
When the big multinational Unilever shut down a tea processing plant in the south of France, the workers reacted immediately by occupying their factory.
In France there are two cases of recuperated factories occupied by workers during the current crisis. One is the Pilpa Ice Cream Factory, which just started producing organic ice cream and yoghurt as a worker-owned and administered company after a long-lasting struggle. The other is the Fralib Tea Factory. Both were closed by their huge multinational owners to relocate production.
Venezuela: Where the Wealthy Stir Violence While the Poor Build a New Society
Artist and documentary filmmaker Dario Azzellini argues the protests in Venezuela represent a vicious attack on the country's social progress under Hugo Chávez, spurred on by anti-Chavista politicians in affluent regions.
Before Hugo Chávez became president of Venezuela in 1999, the barrios of Caracas, built provisionally on the hills surrounding the capital, did not even appear on the city map. Officially they did not exist, so neither the city nor the state maintained their infrastructure. The poor inhabitants of these neighborhoods obtained water and electricity by tapping pipes and cables themselves. They lacked access to services such as garbage collection, health care and education altogether...
Interview with Dario Azzellini and Marina Sitrin by Anna Belladelli | February 28th, 2014
In September 2011, activists occupied Zuccotti Park in Manhattan, initiating a new wave of struggle against capitalism and unprecedented recession. The impact of the Occupy movement has been noticeable also outside the USA, affecting forms of protests, actions, and language. The echo of powerful keywords and catchphrases such as “we are the 99 percent,” “eat the rich,” and “occupy” itself, have inspired protests worldwide, offering new symbols and paradygms to expose long-time unbalanced power relations that have been covered and made unspeakable or invisible by decades of propaganda and biased media representations.
Translation into Portuguese of the article 'Venezuela: Where the Wealthy Stir Violence While the Poor Build a New Society' published on Creativetimereport, April 28, 2014
Venezuela: Os ricos incitan à violência enquanto os probres constroem uma nova sociedade | 28 de maio de 2014
Antes de Hugo Chávez ter chegado à presidência da Venezuela em 1999, os bairros de Caracas construídos precariamente nos morros nos subúrbios da capital nem sequer apareciam no mapa da cidade.
Der Krieg gegen das Soziale
Gewaltsame Destabilisierung und Paramilitarismus hängen in Venezuela eng zusammen - 31. März 2014
In deutschen und internationalen Medien ist immer noch von "Protesten" in Venezuela und "Toten bei Protesten" zu lesen – doch mit dem, was gemeinhin als "Protest" verstanden wird, haben die Aktionen kleiner, bewaffneter, agiler Gruppen seit spätestens Anfang März nichts mehr gemein. Nachdem die gewalttätige Mobilisierung der Opposition, die Anfang Februar begann und von einer beispiellosen internationalen Medienkampagne begleitet wurde, ihr Ziel des Sturzes der Regierung in Venezuela nicht erreichen konnte, sind die Aktionen zunehmend in Terrorismus übergegangen. Zwar war Gewalt von Beginn an Teil der oppositionellen Mobilisierung, denn es sollte ja vom Staat oder von der chavistischen Basis eine gewalttätige Reaktion provoziert werden, die weitere Schritte – von der internationalen Isolation bis zu einer Intervention – rechtfertigen würde, doch trotz zahlreicher Morde an Sicherheitskräften, Regierungsanhängern und Unbeteiligten hielten sich sowohl die Ordnungskräfte als auch die Basis des Transformationsprozesses zurück. Die Provokation gelang nicht.
Translation into Zchech of the article 'Venezuela: Where the Wealthy Stir Violence While the Poor Build a New Society' published on Creativetimereport, April 28, 2014
Venezuela: Bohatí podněcují násilí, chudí budují společnost - 3 dny ago
Než se v roce 1999 stal prezidentem Venezuely Hugo Chávez, caracaské barrios, postavené na kopcích obklopujících metropoli, se ani neobjevovaly na mapě města. Oficiálně neexistovaly, město ani stát neudržovaly svou infrastrukturu. Chudí obyvatelé těchto čtvrtí získávali vodu a elektřinu, když se na kabely a trubky napojovali sami. Neměli přístup k různým službám jako je odvoz odpadu, zdravotní péče a vzdělání.
Controllo operaio alla Fralib - 07.05.2014
Traduzione di Giuseppe Volpe dell'articolo "Workers’ control at Fralib: the brand with the Elephant" pubblicato su, 01.05.2014
In Francia ci sono due casi di fabbriche recuperate occupate dai lavoratori nel corso della crisi attuale. Una è la fabbrica di gelati Pilpa, che ha appena avviato la produzione di gelati e yogurt biologici come società di proprietà dei lavoratori e gestita da essi dopo una lunga lotta. L’altra è la produttrice di tè Fralib. Entrambe erano state chiuse dalle loro gigantesche proprietarie multinazionali per delocalizzare la produzione.
Venezuela: dove i ricchi fomentano la violenza e i poveri costruiscono la nuova società - 02.05.2014
Traduzione in italiano dell'articolo 'Venezuela: Where the Wealthy Stir Violence While the Poor Build a New Society' pubblicato su Creativetimereport, April 28, 2014
L’artista e documentarista Dario Azzellini sostiene che le proteste in Venezuela rappresentano un feroce attacco al progresso sociale del paese ottenuto durante il governo di Hugo Chávez, incoraggiato da politici anti-chavisti che vivono nelle zone dei benestanti.
Chávez e il Potere Costituente
Amerindia, 03/2014, pp. 21-23
Nel corso degli ultimi decenni, a livello internazionale, uno dei principali punti di contesa, nella sinistra favorevole ad una profonda trasformazione sociale, soprattutto in America Latina, è stata la questione della presa al potere, la soluzione per poter collaborare con le istituzioni,o ancora meglio rifiutare qualsiasi coinvolgimento con lo Stato. Potremmo definire questi due prospetti più o meno come i concetti “dall’alto” e “dal basso”. Con l’avvento del Comandante Hugo Chavez alla presidenza, all’inizio del 1999, si inaugurò in Venezuela un processo di profonda trasformazione sociale avviata da un’ampia sinistra, che partiva da posizioni socialdemocratiche, nazionaliste rivoluzionarie, liberiste e socialiste fino ad arrivare alle diverse correnti rivoluzionarie della sinistra e diverse espressioni dei movimenti popolari. Questa confluenza di strategie “dall’alto” e “dal basso”, generalmente considerate incompatibili, obbligò tutta la sinistra a riflettere sulle diverse tipologie...
Download del PDF "Speciale Amerindia: Hugo Chávez"
Nem képviselnek minket! – interjú Dario Azzellinivel és Marina Sitrinnel
tranzitblog | 2014.05.12
A Helyzet Műhely és a PERG meghívására Marina Sitrin (MS) New York-ban dolgozó író, aktivista és Dario Azzellini (DA) Berlinben és Caracasban dolgozó művész és dokumentumfilm-rendező a globális mozgalmak helyzetéről és lehetséges jövőjéről tartottak előadást a múlt hónapban. A Gólyában az általuk Caracasban forgatott Comuna Under Construction (2010) című dokumentumfilm vetítése után Meszmann Tibor (MT) beszélgetett velük.
Translation into Hungarian of the article 'Venezuela: Where the Wealthy Stir Violence While the Poor Build a New Society' published on Creativetimereport, April 28, 2014
Venezuela: Ahol a jómódúak erőszakot gerjesztenek, miközben a szegények egy új társadalmat hoznak létre - 2014. május 05
A művész és dokumentumfilmes, Dario Azzellini szerint a tüntetések Venezuelában aljas támadást jelentenek az ország Hugo Chávez elnöksége alatti társadalmi fejlődése ellen, a jómódú régiók anti-chavista erői részéről.
Translation into Bosnian of the article "Workers’ control at Fralib: the brand with the Elephant" published on roarmag, May 1, 2014
Radnička Borba: Okupacija tvornica u Francuskoj | 12.05.2014
Kada je velika multinacionalna kompanija Unilever zatvorila tvornicu čaja na jugu Francuske radnici su okupirali svoju fabriku
U Francuskoj postoje dva slučaja oživjelih tvornica koje su okupirali radnici tokom krize. Jedna je Pipla Ice Cream Factory, koja je upravo počela proizvoditi organski sladoled i jogurt kao tvornica koju vode i čiji su vlasnici radnici, nakon dugotrajne borbe. Druga je Fralib Tea Factory. Obje su bili zatvorene nakon što su njihovi vlasnici, velike multinacionalne kompanije, odlučile preseliti proizvodnju.
Dario Azzellini: «Δημοκρατία και καπιταλισμός είναι ασύμβατες έννοιες»
June 30, 2014
5. Reseña (English/Deutsch/Slovenski)
They Can’t Represent Us: a riveting defense of democracy - Jerome Roos - Roar Magazine | June 16, 2014
A lot of ink has already been spilled on last month’s European elections. Most commentators lament the rise of the far-right; some celebrate the rise of the radical left — but almost everyone has focused their attention on the rearrangement of the deck chairs, missing the grumbling sounds of discontent emanating from below, deep down in the bowels of the ship. As it turns out, only 43% of eligible Europeans actually showed up to vote; the rest couldn’t even be bothered to make the short trip to the polling station. Grand hypotheses are already being staked upon the numbers pulled out of the ballot box, but if numbers still mean anything in this world we should be looking not at the marginal success of leftist parties but at the hundreds of millions who have long since given up their faith in the sham of a democracy we are currently presented with.
They Can’t Represent Us! - Lotta Liest - ZwischenZeit | June 14, 2014
Das 2014 erschienene Buch von Sitrin und Azzelini trägt den Titel „They Can´t Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy“. In sieben faszinierenden Kapiteln dreht sich darin alles um demokratische Entscheidungs-findung. Das erste befasst sich mit einer Reihe von Begriffen wie „Horizontalism“ (Horizontalität im Sinne von Hierarchiefreiheit), „Popular Power“, der Souveränität der Menschen, und mit Konzepten wie Autonomie oder Selbstverwaltung. Hier geht es also zunächst um die Selbstermächtigung, die in einer wirklich demokratischen Gesellschaft stattfinden würde, wenn Demokratie bedeutet, dass jeder Mensch gleich ist und selbstbestimmt Leben kann. Im zweiten Kapitel erklären Sitrin und Azzelini dann, warum die liberale repräsentative Demokratie nicht in diesem Sinne ‘demokratisch’ ist.
„Die endlich entdeckte politische Form“. Fabrikräte und Selbstverwaltung von der Russischen Revolution bis heute - Axel Weipert - Buchbesprechungen
Buchbesprechungen, 06/2014
Auf doppelte Weise zeigt der vorliegende Sammelbd. sehr nachdrücklich, wie international verbreitet das Phänomen der Arbeiterselbstverwaltung war und ist. Denn die Autoren der 22 Aufsätze, allesamt ausgewiesene Experten und meist auch selbst politisch aktiv, kommen von verschiedenen Kontinenten und decken zugleich ein weites Feld historischer Forschung ab. Den Auftakt bilden mehrere eher theoretisch angelegte Beiträge. Die im Anschluss untersuchten konkreten Beispiele erstrecken
sich von der revolutionären Periode am Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs in Russland, Deutschland und Italien über die staatssozialistischen Länder Polen und Jugoslawien, die postkolonialen Kämpfe in Indonesien und Algerien bis hin zu aktuelleren Fällen vornehmlich in Lateinamerika. Angesichts dieser Fülle kann es hier nicht darum
gehen, jeden einzelnen Beitrag zu behandeln. Vielmehr sollen lediglich einige übergreifende Charakteristika herausgearbeitet werden.
Review by Axel Weipert of: Dario Azzellini/Immanuel Ness (Hrsg.): „Die endlich entdeckte politische Form“. Fabrikräte und Selbstverwaltung von der Russischen Revolution bis heute, ISP Verlag GmbH, Köln 2012, 540 S., ISBN 978-3-89900-138-9
Review in Slovenian by Boris Vasev of: They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy, Dario Azzellini and Marina Sitrin, Foreword by David Harvey (Verso Books) Paperback
Ne morejo nas predstavljati (ponovno izumljanje demokracije od Grčije do Occupya) - Boris Vasev - | 13. julij 2014
V času liberalne, predstavniške demokracije kot samoumevne družbene ureditve pride prav pregled izkušenj z resničnejšo demokracijo od Evrope in ZDA do Latinske Amerike.
6. Articulos academicos: Ensayos en libros y revistas (Español/English/Deutsch/Italiano)
Venezuela: la lucha contra lo social
Relación entre paramilitarismo y desestabilización violenta
alai, No. 495 | Mayo 2014, pp. 30-33
En los medios de comunicación internacionales hemos podido leer durante meses de “protestas” en Venezuela y de “muertos en las protestas”, pero las acciones que desde comienzos de marzo llevan a cabo pequeños grupos armados ágiles no tienen nada en común con lo que se entiende regularmente por “protesta”.
“The Communal System as Venezuela’s Transition to Socialism”.
in: Communism in the 21st Century. Vol. II: Whither Communism? The challenges facing communist states, parties and ideals. Shannon K. Brincat (Editor). Westport: Praeger Publishers. 217-249.
"The purpose of this chapter is to explore practices in the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela linked to the idea of a transition to socialism through the construction of communal production and consumption cycles controlled by workers and communities..."
“Self-Organization and Self-Education in Venezuela.”
Azzellini, Dario; Ressler, Oliver
in: The Second World Congress of Free Artists. In Three Acts. Aarhus: Camel Collective/Kunsthal Aarhus, 239-242
This is a research project that culminated in a six-hour theatrical performance building upon the First World Congress organized in Alba, Italy, in 1956 by Asger Jorn and Pinot Gallizio among others. The Aarhus performance marks a collaboration with six actors and over 30 writers in the performance of original scripts that offer assessment and analysis of the political conditions of artistic higher education, classroom power relations, and the inherent tensions between audience and performer.
Venezuela: paramilitarismo e ‘contra’ in costruzione - 02.04.2014
Tratto da El negocio de la guerra. Nuevos mercenarios y terrorismo de Estado. Caracas: Monte Àvila Editores, 2009.
Trad. dal castigliano per ALBAinformazione a cura di Pier Paolo Palermo
Il processo bolivariano in Venezuela è nel mirino degli Stati Uniti, non solo per la grande ricchezza di risorse del paese (principalmente petrolio, ma anche gas, acqua, alluminio, ferro, oro, biodiversità e altro ancora) ma anche per il ruolo centrale che svolge nell’integrazione continentale che si sta sviluppando e la possibilità di cambiamenti fondamentali che la politica estera venezuelana apre anche per altri paesi. Non c’è dubbio che gli Stati Uniti siano disposti a far crollare il processo bolivariano con qualsiasi mezzo. E come si è visto in passato questo significa che non è escluso il ricorso all’opzione militare.
7. Conferencias (Chapel Hill/USA; Greensboro/USA; NYC/USA; Toronto/Canada; Montclair/USA; Philadelphia/USA; Wien/Austria; Burlington/USA)
10 de Septiembre 2014 | 18:00 | Peace and Justice Plaza | Chapel Hill | North Carolina - United States
A Conversation on Occupy and Its Futures with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzelini, Authors of New Book: "They Can’t Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"
in the frame of the 2nd Annual UNC Radical Rush Week Sept 2 – 11th
The UNControllables, an anarchist student group at UNC Chapel Hill, is proud to announce that the second annual Radical Rush Week will take place September 2-11, 2014.
Radical Rush Week is a time to find out about all the awesome activist, radical, and revolutionary groups at UNC and in the broader Chapel Hill-Carrboro community. There will be teach-ins, gatherings, and music; events on and off campus; and there may even bradical rushe some surprises! It’s a time to find each other.
11 de Septiembre 2014 | 12:30 - 14:00 | University of North Carolina | Fedex Global Education Center - Room 4003 | 301 Pittsboro St | Chapel Hill 27599 | North Carolina | United States
Rethinking Democracy and Representation: Occupy and Beyond, a Conversation with Marina Sitrin, Dario Azzelini, Michael Hardt, Liz Mason Deese, and others
in the frame of the 2nd Annual UNC Radical Rush Week Sept 2 – 11th
11 de Septiembre 2014 | 18:30 | Scoppernongbooks | 304 S. Elm St. | Greensboro | North Carolina, 27401 | USA
Marina Sitrin & Dario Azzellini: READING
They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy
Mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.
16 de Septiembre 2014 | 16:30 | Cuny Graduated Center | Committee on Globalization and Social Change | 5th Floor | Room 5109 | 535 E 80th St | New York, NY 10075 | United States
They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy
Book launch with authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini
17 de Septiembre 2014 | 5pm |Montclair State University | Department of Political Science and Law| 1 Normal Ave | Brantl Lecture room in Dickson Hall | Montclair, NJ 07043 | United States
The new global movements and democracy
With Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini, authors of "They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"
18 ded Septiembre 2014 | 17:00 | Inquiring Minds Book Store | 6 Church St | New Paltz (village), New York 12561 | United States
"They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"
Join authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini as they discuss how mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.
22 de Septiembre 2014 | 16:30 - 18:30 | New York University | Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre for the Performing Arts | New York, NY 10003 | United States
They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy
A Conversation
Sponsored by the Urban Democracy Lab, North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), and the Center for Artistic Activism
Mass protest movements in disparate places such as Spain, Greece, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today. At this roundtable discussion, authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini will join fellow scholar-activists Susana Draper and Vicente Rubio to explore the assemblies, direct democracy forums, and organizational forms championed by the new movements.
The discussion will be moderated by Penny Lewis, Assistant Professor of Labor Studies at the Joseph S. Murphy Institute for Worker Education at the City University of New York.
25 de Septiembre 2014 | 15:00 | Drexel University | 3141 Chestnut Street | Philadelphia, PA 19104 | United States
They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy
Discussion with authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini
29 de Septiembre 2014 | 15:00| York University, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Department of Sociology | 4700 Keele Street | Toronto
Marina Sitrin's & Dario Azzellini's Conference Tour "They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy" (Verso)
24 de Septiembre 2014 - 30 de Septiembre 2014 | Utopian Pulse | Salon Orizzonti Occupati - Secession | Friedrichstraße 12 | 1010 Wien | Austria
Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflow, film 2014, 34 min.
Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler
Utopian Pulse – Flares in the Darkroom is a research exhibition by Ines Doujak and Oliver Ressler divided into 8 salons, curated by a group of artist-curators and perceived as places for the monstrous birth of new alliances. We understand »Utopia« as an always incomplete alternative, the invocation within the given world of something incompatible with, and hostile to, given condition, an assertion of the unrealized in and against the real.
5 de Octubre 2014 | 13:00 | Peace & Justice Center | Burlington, VT | United States
They Can’t Represent Us: Horizontalism & Direct Democracy Workshop with Marina Sitrin in Burlington, VT
As part of our ongoing efforts to engage with and learn from struggles in the Global South, and the Peace & Justice Center will host Marina Sitrin for a workshop on direct democracy and horizontalism. She is a facilitator and co-author, with Dario Azzellini, of the recently published They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy.
Join us on October 5th at 1:00pm at the Peace & Justice Center (60 Lake St, Burlington, VT) as we collectively explore questions about democratic participation, strategies on how to construct new social and political relations through horizontal spaces and apply these experiences in a local context.
Dr. Dario Azzellini
Department of Sociology, Politics and Development Research
Johannes Kepler Universität (JKU) Linz
Tel. +43-732-2468-1545