They Can’t Represent Us: Horizontalism & Direct Democracy Workshop with Marina Sitrin in Burlington, VT

As part of our ongoing efforts to engage with and learn from struggles in the Global South, and the Peace & Justice Center will host Marina Sitrin for a workshop on direct democracy and horizontalism. She is a facilitator and co-author, with Dario Azzellini, of the recently published They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy.

Join us on October 5th at 1:00pm at the Peace & Justice Center (60 Lake St, Burlington, VT) as we collectively explore questions about democratic participation, strategies on how to construct new social and political relations through horizontal spaces and apply these experiences in a local context.

Our conversation will range from the environmental defense assemblies and towns in Argentina, Zapatista autonomy in Chiapas, the Occupy Plataforma (housing defense) movement in Spain, and assembly movements in Greece.

Marina Sitrin, has been a participant in a number of movements that attempt to use these forms of organizing, from the Direct Action Network in the late 1990s to Occupy and the movements in Argentina. She has also studied first hand horizontal movements in Latin America over the past two decades as well as the contemporary ones in Southern Europe. She has a JD in International Womens' Human Rights from CUNY Law School and a PhD in Global Sociology from Stony Brook University. Sitrin is the author of the previous books Horizontalism: Voices of Popular Power in Argentina and Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina.

Peace & Justice Center | 60 Lake St | Burlington, VT | United States