

III Seminario Internacional CIVIPOL: "Movimientos sociales y Europa"

Universidad de Cádiz (UCA) y Civil society organisations and policy making in the EU (CIVIPOL): 


Conferencistas invitados: 

_ Adrej Gubracic. California Institute for Integral Studies

_ Isidoro Moreno. Catedrático Emérito de Antropología Social. Universidad de Sevilla

_ Dario Azzelini. Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas y Cornell University.


Book launch event: “If Not Us, Who?: Workers worldwide against authoritarianism, fascism and dictatorship”

Launch event – Save the date: 

The aim of the launch event is to present the volume and dive deeper into some of the contributions by the authors, but also to take stock of global developments in the aftermath of the book’s release. Speakers will present their chapters, discuss the further evolution of their work, and participate in a Q&A session with the audience.


I. International Congress Communal Democracy: "Community, popular power and self-government: practices to transform democracy"

I. International Congress Communal Democracy: "Community, popular power and self-government: practices to transform democracy"

Organized by: Peace with Dignity – Bakea Duintasunarekin / Parte Hartuz of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

In autumn 2021 (October 13-16), the First International Congress on Communal Democracy will be held in the town of Hernani (Basque Country). The aim of the Congress is to address concrete collective ideas and practices that question and seek to transform current models of democracy.


I. Congreso Internacional sobre Democracia Comunal: "Comunidad, poder popular y autogobierno: prácticas para transformar la democracia"

I. Congreso Internacional sobre Democracia Comunal: "Comunidad, poder popular y autogobierno: prácticas para transformar la democracia"

Organizan: Paz con Dignidad – Bakea Duintasunarekin / Parte Hartuz de la Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU

En otoño de 2021(13-16 de octubre), se celebrará en la localidad de Hernani (País Vasco) el Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Democracia Comunal, en el que se abordarán ideas y prácticas colectivas concretas que cuestionan y buscan transformar los modelos actuales de democracia.


“Worker Controlled Companies in Latin America”

LASP Weekly Seminar Series // by Dario Azzellini


54th ITH Conference: "Workplace Democracy Revisited: Labour and Practices of Participation, Workers' Control and Self-Management in Global Perspective"

Thursday, 6 September 2018, 17:45-19:30

Keynote Lecture: Dario Azzellini (Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA): Liberating Labour? The Multiple Facets of Workplace Democracy in Space and Time

54th ITH Conference: „Workplace Democracy Revisited: Labour and Practices of Participation, Workers’ Control and Self-Management in Global Perspective“

Organised by:


King’s transnational Law Summit 2018

11 april / Economic & Environmental Justice / 11.50 – 13.05 / PARALLEL SESSIONS / Economic Justice (E5)

The Transformation of Work & Prospects of Labour Law / Moderated by Harry Arthurs, York University


Keynote at the 43rd ILPC in Santiago de Chile

I am honored by the invitation to deliver a keynote along with Matt Huber, Alessandra Mezzadri and Carlos Eduardo Martins! I am looking forward at a good debate.

Moreover, I will also present in panels on:

- Green Jobs: Definitions and Employment relations in Europe and beyond

- The Looming Dilemma of Crowdwork Platforms


Workers' struggles and capitalist strategies: Perspectives from Africa and South America in an age of 'sustainability'

Workshop organised by Centre on Labour, Sustainability and Global Production
17 and 18 June 2024 at Queen Mary University of London


June 17th
10.30 to 13.00: Structures of capital in agriculture, logistics and manufacturing in Africa and South America
15.00 to 17.30: Workers’ creativity, education and the co-production of knowledge of capital

June 18th
10.00 to 13.00: Contours of strategy and struggle from below
14:00: Walking tour by Edward Legon and Jack Sargeant


Who are the Experts? Co-Research with workers and communities - Masterclass at the CLaSP London

Please join us for a Masterclass on Co-researching methods with workers and communities with Dario Azzellini, Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico. The masterclass will be held on the 13th of June between 3.00 to 5.00 pm in Queens QB-213, in Mile End Campus, Queen Mary University of London.