Dizziness – Navigating the Unknown

In cooperation with CCA Ujazdowski Castle Warsaw, Diagonale´17, MEGAPHON and the Institute for Differential Psychology, University of Graz. Supported by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Dizziness - A Resource (FWF-Peek) and the David Herzog Fund of the Styrian Universities.
Curated by: Katrin Bucher Trantow, Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond
A destabilised world has become a fact of our day-to-day existence. Every day new reports of crisis set the world whirling, whether real or fictional. A general feeling of menacing unease and fear of direct change conjures up the image of a lurching planet. And yet, as it is often stated, it could also be claimed that the speculative creation triggered by the whirl of systems, lies at the heart of all artistic endeavour.
As the condition of ‘navigating the unknown’, the deliberately created frenzy is thus part of a wider intentional quest for the creative reflex.
With works by: Ruth Anderwald+Leonhard Grond, Oliver Hangl, Ann Veronica Janssens, Anna Jermolaewa, Joachim Koester, Henri Michaux, Oliver Ressler, Ariel Schlesinger and Jonathan Monk, Bruce Nauman, Ben Russel, Esther Stocker et al.
Kunsthaus Graz | Lendkai 1 | 8020 Graz | Austria