All english articles



a project by Isola Art Center

in the context of
curated by Claudio Zecchi


10.30-17.00- Isola Utopia Video (a video review in loop, a web doc, books, prints etc) (click below to see the details)

17.00 From "Fight-Specific Isola" to "Isola Utopia"
Meeting with open debate
The concept of "Fight-Specific", Introduction by Antonio Brizioli.
Interventions by Andris Brinkmanis, Giusy Chechola, Elvira Vannini and others,


European seminar: Socialization and Commons in Europe, How to build an Alternative Project?

Urban Democracy Lab at NYU/Gallatin

Dario Azzellini, They Can't Represent Us! "Occupy" in Global Context

The Laura Flanders Show

Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini: People Power Post-Occupy

The Laura Flanders Show: Marina Sitrin y Dario Azzellini - They Can't Represent Us!


They Can’t Represent Us: Horizontalism & Direct Democracy Workshop with Marina Sitrin in Burlington, VT

As part of our ongoing efforts to engage with and learn from struggles in the Global South, and the Peace & Justice Center will host Marina Sitrin for a workshop on direct democracy and horizontalism. She is a facilitator and co-author, with Dario Azzellini, of the recently published They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy.

Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflow

Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflow

A Film by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler

RiMaflow, Milan, Italy


They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

Discussion with authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini


They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

Book launch with authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini

They Can’t Represent Us! describes how the new global movements are putting forward a radical conception of democracy, often using the voices of the movement participants themselves. Mass movements in disparate places such as Greece, Spain, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.


"They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"

Marina Sitrin's & Dario Azzellini's Conference Tour "They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy" (Verso)


"They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"

Join authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini as they discuss how mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.


The new global movements and democracy

Department of Political Science and Law, Montclair State University

The new global movements and democracy

With Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini, authors of "They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"

Interview with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini about their new book 'They can't represent us!'

Link to the audio interview with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini about their new book 'They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy'


Rethinking Democracy and Representation: Occupy and Beyond

Rethinking Democracy and Representation: Occupy and Beyond,

a Conversation with Marina Sitrin, Dario Azzelini, Michael Hardt, Liz Mason Deese, and others

in the frame of the


A Conversation on Occupy and Its Futures with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzelini

A Conversation on Occupy and Its Futures with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzelini, Authors of New Book: "They Can’t Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy" (6pm; Peace and Justice Plaza)

in the frame of the


Evening event downtown at the Elon University School of Law

Evening event downtown at the Elon University School of Law 201 N Elm.

Sponsored by Elon National Lawyers Guild and The Fund for Democratic Communities



Event & Discussion at Winston-Salem State University

Event & Discussion at Winston-Salem State University

Monday. Sept. 8 - WINSTON-SALEM University, specific room TBA very soon!


They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

A Conversation
Sponsored by the Urban Democracy Lab, North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), and the Center for Artistic Activism


Marina Sitrin & Dario Azzellini: READING

They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

by Marina Sitrin & Dario Azzelini

Mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.

Review by Jerome Ross of Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini (2014), They Can’t Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy (with a foreword by David Harvey), 2014, London and New York: Verso Books.

They Can’t Represent Us: a riveting defense of democracy

They Can’t Represent Us by Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini is a fiery indictment of electoral politics and a riveting defense of real democracy.


ECB - Bankers Playing Politics?

The European Central Bank has now made borrowing money cheaper than ever. Its benchmark lending rate has been dropped to just 0.15%, and borrower banks will in the future pay penalties for parking money there. ECB President Mario Draghi hopes the move will encourage more lending to crisis-stricken EU Member States.But is that move too political in nature for Europe’s most important banker to make

Left Forum, John Jay College, New York City, Saturday, May 31, 2014

Everyday Revolutions

Everyday Revolutions
Chaired by Leina Bocar; with Dario Azzellini, Diego Ibañez, Marina Sitrin

Quadriga, DW in English

World Cup Risks - Can Brazil win?

In one month's time the Soccer World Cup kicks off in Brazil. But the country has a serious problem with violence in the poor urban neighbourhoods called favelas. And the problem is spreading: Brazil's tourist centres are increasingly affected. Angry people are using the World Cup to draw attention to the appaling conditions they are forced to live in and to the failures of their government.


Everyday Revolutions

Invitation to discussion on Everyday Revolutions

Saturday, May 31,  10:00am - 11:50am in Room L.76

John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York


Post-Chávez Venezuela: New Directions under the Presidency of Nicolás Maduro?

Invitation to discussion on

Post-Chávez Venezuela: New Directions under the Presidency of Nicolás Maduro?

Saturday, May 31, 05:00pm - 06:50pm in Room 1.124

John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York


Book Launch Celebration - They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

Verso Books Invitation to discussion on
Book Launch Celebration - They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

Saturday, May 31, 03:20pm - 04:50pm in Room 1.105

Artist and documentary filmmaker Dario Azzellini argues the protests in Venezuela represent a vicious attack on the country's social progress under Hugo Chávez, spurred on by anti-Chavista politicians in affluent regions.

Venezuela: Where the Wealthy Stir Violence While the Poor Build a New Society

Before Hugo Chávez became president of Venezuela in 1999, the barrios of Caracas, built provisionally on the hills surrounding the capital, did not even appear on the city map. Officially they did not exist, so neither the city nor the state maintained their infrastructure. The poor inhabitants of these neighborhoods obtained water and electricity by tapping pipes and cables themselves. They lacked access to services such as garbage collection, health care and education altogether.


Popular Assembly with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini

They Can't Represent Us! authors in the park

In their new book, They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy, Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini explore the ongoing movements for participatory democracy across the globe.

For this unique event, participate with the authors in an assembly-style conversation about mass movements in Washington Square Park.


They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy Book Launch

Join the authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini as they launch their new book!

While the excitement around Occupy Wall Street has diminished in the United States, dynamic movements of democratic participation continue to arise across the globe, calling on people to rethink and remake their relationships to each other and themselves.

Lecture at the CEU - Central European University, Budapest, held 26.3.2014

They Can’t Represent Us! – New Global Movements and Democracy