

Jetzt übernehmen wir!: Betriebsbesetzungen und selbstverwaltete Produktion – Online Lecture mit Dario Azzellini

DISKUSSION/VORTRAG - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftun

Jetzt übernehmen wir!: Betriebsbesetzungen und selbstverwaltete Produktion - Online Lecture mit Dario Azzellini


Essen und Film "Occupy, Resist, Produce - Scop Ti"

Essen und Film "Occupy, Resist, Produce - Scop Ti"


19.00 Uhr veganes Essen gegen Spende

20.45 Uhr Film + Kurzvorstellung "Gemein & Nützlich Vertrieb"


Film "Occupy, Resist, Produce - Scop Ti" Von: Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler Länge: 34 Minuten


“Worker Controlled Companies in Latin America”

LASP Weekly Seminar Series // by Dario Azzellini


From Economic Science Fictions to Labour as Commons - Conference

From Economic Science Fictions to Labour as Commons 

Alternative Organisations & Transformative Practices (AOTP) Research Cluster Conference

This conference seeks to bring the two parallel literatures of ‘economic science fictions’ and ‘labour as commons’ into dialogue by inviting contributors to submit papers that investigate and analyse how society can move away from this dystopian economic science fiction via the practice of the labour commons.


(NB these are working panel titles now, subject to change)



The new Radical Urbanisms – a research exchange

The new Radical Urbanisms – a research exchange

Keynotes from:

_ Dario Azzellini, Sociology, Cornell University, USA
_ Brendan Murtagh, Planning, Queens University Belfast, UK
_ Colin Haslam, Management School, Queen Mary University of London, UK

Organised by Peter North and the Power, Space and Cultural Change Research Cluster, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool.


4-teiliger Dokumentarfilm: RiMaflow (Mailand), Officine Zero (Rom), Vio.Me (Thessaloniki) und Scop Ti (Gémenos/Marseille)

4-teiliger Dokumentarfilm: RiMaflow (Mailand), Officine Zero (Rom), Vio.Me (Thessaloniki) und Scop Ti (Gémenos/Marseille) (OmU)

D/A 2014-2018, 131 min, Regie: Dario Azzellini und Oliver Ressler


Thursday at FLEFF: Master Classes with Festival Guests

Thursday at FLEFF: Master Classes with Festival Guests: Join us for an afternoon of master classes with festival guest where they do shot-by-shot analysis of their work, describe their research or artistic process and challenges, talk about their careers, and probe how disruptions are essential to their work. 

14:35-15:50 Dr. Dario Azzellini, sociologist of labor and globalization and documentary filmmaker (director/producer of Occupy, Resist, Produce)

Moderated by Dr. Matt Holtmeier, English and Film Studies, EasternTennessee State University



Solidarisch sein und Tee trinken – Film und Diskussion über die selbstverwaltete Teefabrik Scop ti bei Marseille (weniger)

Einst produzierten sie für Unilever, seit fünf Jahren für sich, die Teerebell*innen im südfranzösischen Gémenos bei Marseille. Über die Geschichte  von Scop-Ti und auch über die Probleme, als selbstverwaltete Fabrik auf dem kapitalistischen Markt bestehen zu müssen, informiert der Film „Occupy, Resist, Produce – Scop Ti“ von Dario Azzellini und Oliver Ressler. Im Anschluss berichtetet der Journalist Peter Nowak (http://peter-nowak-journalist.de/2015/10/27/der-eigene-tee/) über einen Besuch in der Fabrik.


Occupy, Resist, Produce

Solo exhibition of Oliver Ressler & Dario Azzellini / Curated by Dr. Azadeh Fatehrad


Documentary Screening & Discussion: "Occupy, Resist, Produce - Scop Ti"

Occupy, Resist, Produce – Scop Ti

A film by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler

34 min., 2018


A 4-channel video installation by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler

Within the framework of the exhibition

„CONSTRUCTING THE WORLD: ART AND ECONOMY 1919-1939 AND 2008-2018: … this topical exhibition is the first to illustrate the economy’s dramatic influence on art and to make global comparisons, demonstrating these in an analysis of two separate eras“

Presents itself:

Occupy, Resist, Produce

A 4-channel video installation by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler, 131 min. (combined), 2014 – 2018


„Occupy, Resist, Produce“ Eine 4-Kanal Videoinstallation von Dario Azzellini und Oliver Ressler

„… verdeutlicht diese Themenausstellung erstmals den dramatischen Einfluss der Ökonomie auf die Kunst in einem weltweiten Vergleich und zeigt dies in der Gegenüberstellung zweier Epochen auf.“

Im Rahmen der Ausstellung: KONSTRUKTION DER WELT: KUNST UND ÖKONOMIE - 1919-1939 UND 2008-2018 wird vorgestellt:

Occupy, Resist, Produce

Eine 4-Kanal Videoinstallation von Dario Azzellini und Oliver Ressler, 131 min. (gesamt), 2014 – 2018 


„Occupy, Resist, Produce“ Eine 4-Kanal Videoinstallation von Dario Azzellini und Oliver Ressler

Im Rahmen der Ausstellung: KONSTRUKTION DER WELT: KUNST UND ÖKONOMIE - 1919-1939 UND 2008-2018: „… verdeutlicht diese Themenausstellung erstmals den dramatischen Einfluss der Ökonomie auf die Kunst in einem weltweiten Vergleich und zeigt dies in der Gegenüberstellung zweier Epochen auf.“ 

es wird vorgestellt:

Occupy, Resist, Produce

Eine 4-Kanal Videoinstallation von Dario Azzellini und Oliver Ressler, 131 min. (gesamt), 2014 – 2018 


54th ITH Conference: "Workplace Democracy Revisited: Labour and Practices of Participation, Workers' Control and Self-Management in Global Perspective"

Thursday, 6 September 2018, 17:45-19:30

Keynote Lecture: Dario Azzellini (Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA): Liberating Labour? The Multiple Facets of Workplace Democracy in Space and Time

54th ITH Conference: „Workplace Democracy Revisited: Labour and Practices of Participation, Workers’ Control and Self-Management in Global Perspective“

Organised by:


Trobada informal al voltant del llibre "Poder Obrero"

Synusia us convida a una trobada informal amb la editorial "La oveja Roja" i l'editor Darío Azzellini, un dels coordinadors del llibre Poder Obrero.

Amb ells conversarem de diferents experiències d'acció col·lectiva i autoorganització portades a termes per treballadors i treballadores al llarg de l'últim segle i mig. Experiències que s'han anat replicant, amb les seves especificitats regionals però també amb elements comuns, a tota la geografia del planeta.

Veniu a sentir el poder obrer!


Implementing social commons


- The centrality of economic and social rights

German Jaraiz Arroyo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla

- The centrality of culture for social commons

Julie Ward, MEP

- Practical implications of adopting a commoning approach to social protection – options for activism and policy development

Labour: Dario Azzelini

Gender: Elisabetta Cangelosi


Book launch

We are organizing a book launch event for 3 recent books examining the political and social dynamics of precarious work -- with case studies from Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the US. Shannon Gleeson, Lowell Turner, and Jérôme Gautié (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) have kindly agreed to serve as discussants. The books are:

* Dario Azzellini and Michael G. Kraft, eds. The Class Strikes Back: Self-Organised Workers’ Struggles in the Twenty-First Century. Brill, 2018.


King’s transnational Law Summit 2018

11 april / Economic & Environmental Justice / 11.50 – 13.05 / PARALLEL SESSIONS / Economic Justice (E5)

The Transformation of Work & Prospects of Labour Law / Moderated by Harry Arthurs, York University

Private Military Contractors: Characteristics of a Growing Market and Implications for Accountability and Human Rights


Dario Azzellini, PhD in Sociology and in Political Science, and Visiting Research Fellow at the ILR Scholl, Cornell University, will speak at 12:15 to 1:30pm about "Private Military Contractors: Characteristics of a Growing Market and Implications for Accountability and Human Rights" at the Judith Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies weekly brown-bag Seminar. 

Perspektiven auf den Roten Oktober: Einhundert Jahre Russische Revolution 1917

Dario Azzellini: Bilanz und Perspektiven der Rätediskussion im 20. Jahrhundert


Die Russische Revolution vom Oktober/November 1917 hat nicht nur das 20. Jahrhundert im Allgemeinen, sondern auch die politische Theorie und Praxis der Linken in besonderer Weise nachhaltig geprägt.


The Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy (ECWD): Contemporary Crisis, Recuperated Workplaces and Self-Management

June 11, 2017 11:40 am – 1:10 pm


Left Forum, The Resistance: Cooperatives - path to a different society or alternative business model? Chances and risks of workers' self-management in capitalism



SUNDAY June 4th Session 6: 12:00pm - 1:50pm


OCCUPY - RESIST - PRODUCE, kinoki mikrokino #222

 Massenentlassungen und Fabrikschließungen als Folge der seit 2007 andauernden Finanzkrise haben die Frage nach der Arbeiter_innen-Selbstverwaltung neu gestellt. Oliver Ressler und Dario Azzellini untersuchen in der Dokumentarfilm-Trilogie OCCUPY, RESIST, PRODUCE drei Beispiele von Fabriksbesetzungen, in Mailand, Rom und Thessaloniki, die sich in erfolgreiche Experimente zur Neuerfindung der Arbeit im 21. Jahrhundert entwickelt haben. Die gesamte Trilogie ist zum ersten Mal in Wien zu sehen:


26 February 2017: Everything Under Control

In most cases an occupation is not a deliberate step towards workers' control but a means of workers' struggle against the closure of a production site or company or the relocation of production to another country. Occupy, Resist, Produce focuses on the rare, better organized cases where the purpose of the struggle is to bring production under workers’ control.


Repair: Resource

The economic crisis that began in 2007-8 led to layoffs on a massive scale, leaving thousands of newly unemployed workers with little hope of another job. Their response put workers’ control back on the agenda in Europe. For many years beforehand, factories had been occupied and recuperated almost exclusively in Latin America.


Dizziness – Navigating the Unknown

In cooperation with CCA Ujazdowski Castle Warsaw, Diagonale´17, MEGAPHON and the Institute for Differential Psychology, University of Graz. Supported by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Dizziness - A Resource (FWF-Peek) and the David Herzog Fund of the Styrian Universities. 
Curated by: Katrin Bucher Trantow, Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond



Mikhail Karikis, Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler Artists’ Film International

Ain’t Got No Fear (2016) by Mikhail Karikis (b. 1975, Greece) was created with a group of boys from the industrial marshland of the Isle of Grain in South East England. With the sound of a neighbouring power plant being demolished as their beat, the boys rap about past memories and possible futures, while questioning notions of territory and authority. Meanwhile, author-filmmaker Dario Azzellini (b. 1967, Germany) and artist Oliver Ressler (b.



Property is theft! (La propriété, c’est le vol!, the famous declaration made by French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in 1840, has the impact of a political slogan and serves as the title of Austrian artist Oliver Ressler’s first survey exhibition in Romania. The crisis of Neoliberalism, Oliver Ressler’s favourite theme throughout his activity over the past twenty years, points to the fundamentally economic understructure of all present social and political imbalances.