

Internationalismus im 21. Jahrhundert, Konferenz I Berlin 2015

Ausgehend von der historischen Reflexion in der Vorveranstaltung debattieren hier die Referent_innen über Grundfragen einer heutigen, modernen internationalistischen Ausrichtung – sowohl im Streben nach politisch-gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen als auch in der internationalen Solidaritätsarbeit. Hierbei sollten unter anderem folgende Knackpunkte und Themenfelder angerissen werden: Internationalismus und internationale Solidarität – eine Dialektik; Wo wird Solidarität geübt, wo ist sie nötig?; Solidaritätsarbeit vs.


Congreso internacional Imaginarios utópicos: pasado, presente y futuro

Desde el 15-M de 2011, son muchos los acontecimientos que han puesto de relieve la existencia en España de una corriente de reivindicación política y social imaginativa y contestataria, que responde a demandas de sectores de la ciudadanía desengañados con las formas convencionales de representación y con la gestión política de las instituciones. Esta corriente no es exclusivamente española, sino que enlaza con un reverdecimiento en todo el mundo de vías para expresar la disconformidad en formatos que tienen mucho de utópicos.


Netzwerk Mieten & Wohnen – Konferenz 2015

Seit vielen Jahren kämpfen Mieter*innen und Mietervereine gegen die fortlaufenden Verschlechterungen auf dem Wohnungsmarkt. Die Idee einer Versorgung breiter Bevölkerungskreise mit bezahlbaren und lebenswerten Wohnungen hat sich zugunsten einer marktorientierten Versorgung gewandelt. Diese Entwicklung läuft nicht ohne Widerstand von Mieter*innen und Mietervereinen in zahlreichen Städten. Was aber fehlt ist eine systematische Diskussion grundsätzlicher Alternativen in der Mieten- und Wohnungspolitik, die über die derzeitigen tagespolitischen Diskussionen hinausgehen.


With, Against and Beyond Left Governments?

The election of SYRIZA in Greece and rising popularity of Podemos and similar local parties in Spain has again opened the question for autonomous movements as to how change can be made in society. This panel will argue that change is made from below, but at the same time bring into question if change from above can make more space for those from below. The focus will be on concrete experiences of popular base movements, where the panelists have had direct experience, including in Spain, Greece, Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela.


Book launch: An Alternative Labour History. Worker Control and Workplace Democracy

Presentation of "An Alternative Labour History: Worker Control and Workplace Democracy" (Zed Books) edited by Dario Azzellini. The global financial crisis has led to radical forms of protest and new workers’ takeovers have sprung up all over the globe. In the US, Republic Windows and Doors started production under worker control in January 2013. Later that year workers in Greece took over and managed a hotel, a hospital, a newspaper, a TV channel and a factory. The dominant revolutionary left has viewed workers' control as part of a system necessary during a transition to socialism.


Is Post-Chavez Venezuela Still Leftist?

In the aftermath of the death of Hugo Chávez, the key question for the left is whether his successors have been true to his legacy, or whether the “revolutionary process” has now stalled or, even worse, been thrown into reverse. The pressing problems that now beset Venezuela have convinced some Chavistas that President Nicolás Maduro is lacking in Chávez’s political acumen. These problems include chronic shortages of consumer goods and an annual inflation rate of over 60 percent.


“Ihr repräsentiert uns nicht!” Soziale Bewegungen vom 15M bis Occupy

Marx ist Muss 2015, Franz -Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin


Social movements and the fight against authority

The lecture will take place in the social centre Aftonomo Steki in Exarcheia


Commune or nothing: Dual power and popular self-organization in Venezuela and Latin America

With Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini


Κομμούνες ή Τίποτα! Δυαδική εξουσία και λαϊκή αυτοοργάνωση στην Βενεζουέλα


Την ίδια στιγμή που ο Ούγο Τσάβες εδραίωνε την ηγεμονία του στη Βενεζουέλα, οι κάτοικοι των λαϊκών συνοικιών είχαν εκπονήσει ένα σχέδιο αντικατάστασης του κράτους με μια ομοσπονδία των οριζόντιων δομών μέσα απο τις οποίες αυτοοργανώνουν τις ανάγκες τους. 


Keine Position beziehen ist keine Kunst

Discussing a radical intellectual and radical art practice.
Vortrag von Dario Azzellini (Soziologe & Politikwissenschaftler, JKU Linz)


Seminario: "Cooperazione produttiva nello spazio urbano"

Il presente seminario si intende come una prosecuzione ed un approfondimento tematico successivo al primo incontro, tenutosi nel mese di luglio 2014, dal titolo “Fabbriche recuperate: la ricostruzione di un territorio solidale”.



a project by Isola Art Center

in the context of
curated by Claudio Zecchi


10.30-17.00- Isola Utopia Video (a video review in loop, a web doc, books, prints etc) (click below to see the details)

17.00 From "Fight-Specific Isola" to "Isola Utopia"
Meeting with open debate
The concept of "Fight-Specific", Introduction by Antonio Brizioli.
Interventions by Andris Brinkmanis, Giusy Chechola, Elvira Vannini and others,


Krise, Zwangsdelogierung und Wohnungslosigkeit: Ausmaß und Widerstand in Europa

Es diskutieren: Júlia Alsinet Caballeria (Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipotéca - Plattform der von Hypotheken Betroffenen), Karin Baumert (Berliner Bündnis gegen Zwangsräumungen), Dario Azzellini (JKU Linz)


Vom Süden lernen? Gesellschaften im und gegen den Sparzwang

Vom Süden lernen? Gesellschaften im und gegen den Sparzwang

Weiterbildungsveranstaltung der Abteilung Politik und Entwicklungsforschung, Institut für Soziologie, JKU Linz

Mi, 19.11.2014 und Do, 20.11.2014, Rep-Räume im Unicenter der JKU
mit Abendveranstaltungen am 25.11. und 1.12.2014 im Wissensturm Linz


Slow Politics - What Europe Needs in the Age of Crisis

International Conference with the participation of Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini in Track 1


They Can’t Represent Us: Horizontalism & Direct Democracy Workshop with Marina Sitrin in Burlington, VT

As part of our ongoing efforts to engage with and learn from struggles in the Global South, and the Peace & Justice Center will host Marina Sitrin for a workshop on direct democracy and horizontalism. She is a facilitator and co-author, with Dario Azzellini, of the recently published They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy.


"They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"

Marina Sitrin's & Dario Azzellini's Conference Tour "They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy" (Verso)


They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

Discussion with authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini


Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflow, film 2014, 34 min. by Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler

Occupy, Resist, Produce - RiMaflow, film 2014, 34 min.
Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler

shown at
Salon Orizzonti Occupati, 24 — 30 September 2014
Utopia is secession without instructions.
Secession, Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Wien, Austria;


They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

A Conversation
Sponsored by the Urban Democracy Lab, North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), and the Center for Artistic Activism


"They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"

Join authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini as they discuss how mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.


The new global movements and democracy

Department of Political Science and Law, Montclair State University

The new global movements and democracy

With Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini, authors of "They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy"


They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

Book launch with authors Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini

They Can’t Represent Us! describes how the new global movements are putting forward a radical conception of democracy, often using the voices of the movement participants themselves. Mass movements in disparate places such as Greece, Spain, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.


Marina Sitrin & Dario Azzellini: READING

They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy

by Marina Sitrin & Dario Azzelini

Mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States ultimately share an agenda—to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.


Rethinking Democracy and Representation: Occupy and Beyond

Rethinking Democracy and Representation: Occupy and Beyond,

a Conversation with Marina Sitrin, Dario Azzelini, Michael Hardt, Liz Mason Deese, and others

in the frame of the


A Conversation on Occupy and Its Futures with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzelini

A Conversation on Occupy and Its Futures with Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzelini, Authors of New Book: "They Can’t Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy" (6pm; Peace and Justice Plaza)

in the frame of the


Evening event downtown at the Elon University School of Law

Evening event downtown at the Elon University School of Law 201 N Elm.

Sponsored by Elon National Lawyers Guild and The Fund for Democratic Communities



Event & Discussion at Winston-Salem State University

Event & Discussion at Winston-Salem State University

Monday. Sept. 8 - WINSTON-SALEM University, specific room TBA very soon!


Filmvorführung: 5 Fabriken – Arbeiterkontrolle in Venezuela

Im Rahmen des „Cinéma la gauche“ präsentiert Die Linke Tempelhof-Schöneberg eine Filmvorführung mit anschließender Debatte in der Roten Insel.
5 Fabriken – Arbeiterkontrolle in Venezuela

Film: Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler,
Dauer: 81 Min., 2006
Sprache: Spanisch mit dt. Untertitel (OmU)
Samstag, 30. August 2014, 19.30 Uhr
in der Geschäftsstelle der Linken,
Feurigstr. 68, 10827 Berlin
(S1 Julius-Leber-Brücke, oder Bus 104, 204, 106)